Sunday, April 16, 2017

Forward Motion

As I mentioned previously, life is always in a forward motion, even when we feel it isn't.

A little over a month ago we got our Jeep lease.  Chandler got the merit for his fine arts Tshirt design (that means it was the best in all of Michigan).

Today is Easter - we had Nicky over.  Had a nice meal and played a game and watched a movie together.  Life keeps moving forward.

In the Orthodox Church where I work for the next 40 days - They greet everyone with "Christos Anesti'' and the reply is "Alithos Anesti".   "Christ is Risen" "He is Risen Indeed".

While life goes on and moves forward, today is also a day to reflect on the past - what God did for us and why we should not take each gifted day from him for granted.

1 comment:

shakedust said...

The best in all Michigan!? That's great!

I hope you're enjoying the Jeep. :)