Sunday, July 03, 2016


A couple weeks into the gym/tracking my food again and I've hit some challenges.  I've had some days when I really wasn't motivated to go or to eat right.  But I'm going to stay focused.  I have to look at this as a part-time job.  The pay is better health and longer life.

I am actually enjoying working out.  I never thought I would ever say that.  It's kind of crazy.  I was watching my calories. Then I remembered something I learned in the past about weight loss was my protein and carb counts needed to the be same, or I needed to have more protein to lose the weight faster and become healthier. So, my next step is to incorporate watching the carb verses protein intake.

Setting goals are important.  Knowing when and how to adjust your short-term steps to achieve the long-term goal is crucial.

It might be baby steps, but at least I'm moving forward!

I wasn't very motivated to to the gym tonight and then I put on some clothes that I thought I would try to wear to work out and got even more discouraged.  As I was looking in the mirror I felt shame at the way I looked I remembered that is why I am doing this - to change the way I look.  To become healthier and not so obese.

Because of that goal - I put on a not so great shirt and decided that I would just have to live with it and maybe in a few weeks it will look nicer on me!

1 comment:

shakedust said...

Stick with it! It's great that there are some days you enjoy working out. That's probably the key to sticking with it long-term.