1. It's not a real goal if all your goals have the same level of priority and
2. You can't achieve a goal if you never make it.
I've been having an internal struggle with both of these things lately. But the second one is what I want to focus on:
If you don't make a goal, you can't achieve it. I've put my health/weight issue in a deep freezer. It's not even gotten to the thaw stage, let alone reached a back burner.
I am ashamed of myself and what I have let myself become. For a while, I could set that shame aside and not think about it because I had to work on the debt issue and I didn't have time or energy to focus on my weight. Then when I started revisiting my emotional state of mind around my weight I realized that I'm scared to do anything again because I have done exercise and diets successfully before, so here I am again - at an all time high for my weight. This time it coincides with a low on job satisfaction. I like where I work, but I am not sure I like being an admin? But that is for another blog - maybe. At least it's not for now. :)
I keep struggling with should I let myself make a goal and fail? If I fail, will that affect my how satisfied I am with my job? The more unhappy I am with my personal choices in life, the more unhappy I am at work.
I know it's me and not them. I know that I am the issue. I am the one that struggles with being friendly, I am the one that has reverted into an introverted social shell that makes me less and less likely to "like" people. I am somewhat depressed. Not clinical, suicidal but just down on myself and I feel stuck - again.
The thing is, I am 43, I have felt stuck a lot in life. The hard part is I haven't done much to change that in my 43 years of life. Most of the time life circumstances change it for me.
So here I am. I'm overweight and I have zero activity in my life. I don't choose to eat healthy and it is all my fault. I have time to be active now, but I don't take it, I could spend the energy on eating healthy, but I choose not to, I'm lazy and I'm scared, and I've let
But tonight, after weeks of trying to decide what should I do. I think I have my first
So, the first step to achieving a goal is to make it and for me it's not a goal if I haven't written it out on paper. If it isn't in writing it is just a thought that I can choose to ignore or not, if it is in writing and has been shared it becomes real. Real can be tough.
So with this - I set out to make a real goal. Chad and I did this a little over 2 years ago with our finances and it is working, slowly but it is working. So here is my goal:
I want to lose 100 lbs over the next year. Saying that out loud scares me and overwhelms me and brings my shame to the raw surface, but anyone looking at me knows that I need to lose the weight, so here's to making the first step to not
Being fat, lazy and scared are not options any more. Today - I am choosing to set a goal and tomorrow I'm going to start achieving it by starting my first gym membership.
Update...I started the gym yesterday and I worked out. I am there tonight waiting for my first class. Still scared a bit. Have no clue what I am doing but you can't reach a goal with out trying. So here I am.
Good for you! It's great to set goals to have something to stick to. Please don't get discouraged if you make progress, but it isn't to the level you want.
It's extremely difficult to carve out time to improve yourself in one way or another. I've been noticing that I have been steadily gaining weight over the last couple of years. I honestly have no clue how to carve out the time necessary to do something about that because I have so many responsibilities that pull on my schedule at this stage of my life. There are other things I see falling by the wayside as well that really need to be priorities. Without a concrete decision and goals nothing is going to happen, though.
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