Thursday, December 04, 2014

Day 235

Tonight, Chandler volunteered to work at his CSI school to answer questions and "sell" the program to potential 8th grade students and their parents.   Chad and I talked about how great it is as a parent that a few months ago Chandler was feeling "forced" to be in this program, but now he's one of the kids that was asked specifically to showcase it!

I try to update information about the kids every once in a while, and I think it's time for me to share one about Chandler.  :)  I feel that I don't brag on Chandler that much, overall.  Well especially to him.  I tend to be the "look for where you can improve" kind of person.  I'm that way with myself and it carries over into my parenting. But Chandler is becoming a great young man and I think it wouldn't hurt to document some of his recent accomplishments.

One of the most important things for me, is that he's helpful around the house.  He's a guy who people like to be around.  A guy that other adults see as a leader and like.  Tonight, he was told by one of the parents that he had good conversation skills.  This I find particularly ironic because I can't get him to say hardly two words at home!  But, he also doesn't think we have much in common right now and he doesn't want to talk to me about girls!  Go figure?

He's been told by people at church that people notice him and have their eye on him as a leader to his peers.  Chandler is in Advanced Placement courses and Honors classes in addition to his studies with CSI.  He is in the leadership group for youth at church, he enjoys sports and is about to join a local area basketball league and he is on the A/B honor roll, in National Junior High Honor Society, and he is employed too!  - Yes, it's more of an "occasional" job than regularly scheduled, but it's not easy work, not short hours, and he's working with some "interesting" people.  But he's learning and growing through the experiences.

I personally can say that as a parent that tends to be "look for where you can improve" that there will ALWAYS be room for improvement.  Strong leadership skills tend to be in strong personalities and can create conflict in a home.  I'm proud to say that Chandler, while needing reminding occasionally, has even learned how to submit to authority and I think -typically- respects us as his parents and others in that role.  He certainly is strong willed and strong minded, but that isn't a bad thing, especially when the person learns to be mindful of others.

I don't know how God will use him in his future, what he'll do or where life will take him.  But I'm so thankful for who he is and I'm proud of the fine young man that he's becoming.

1 comment:

GoldenSunrise said...

Wow. You have a lot to be proud of Chandler.