Saturday, September 24, 2005

Chili anyone?

As I have somehow been volunteered to make Chili for 200 people next Sunday for the Rangers Chili dinner fund raiser. I have to create a grocery list for the Chili. Besides the obvious:

Plenty of Cheese, Chips, and Crackers.....So far I figure I'll need about

32 lbs of hamburger
4 lg boxes of macaroni
16 cans of Tomato juice (? what that would be in bulk?)
48 regular size cans of chili beans (? what that would be in bulk?)
48 regular size cans of Stewed tomatoes (?what that would be in bulk?)
24 regular size cans of sweet corn (? what that would be in bulk?)
32 packets of Mc Cormicks Chili seasoning (***of course I cheat, you didn't think I cut up onion, measure chili powder and add all those seasonings every time did you?:) ***)
about 8 cups of sugar

About 3 other BIG pans and over night storage space for the chili along with a lot of prayer that it all goes well and tastes okay. Anyone up for a Chili Cooking party on Saturday Evening?

I don't know what kind of a deal you get when buying bulk...but we're looking at about 200$ easy in the list above if not purchasing in bulk, I think the church will buy the ingredients through Sam's but I don't know how to adapt the list yet? LOTS of could replace 48 small cans!, What do you think?

We also need to purchase hotdogs and hotdog buns to make sure there is something else to offer. A lot of planning and preparation is going into this Ranger Sunday with it being Awards, Dinner, and extra Merit stuff too. I can only hope that those that come for the dinner and those that stay for the activities are blessed with a good time and a full belly, I also hope that somewhere in the maddness I get to eat a bowl of it too! Think I'll have to give a donation first?!


GoldenSunrise said...

If the church doesn't buy the ingredients, maybe you could get some families to bring a pot of chili. I would bring one.

T said...

Thanks golden! I think dash has already worked it out with the church. But I'll keep this in mind if it doesn't work out! Jadee has said she may come down and help me cook on Saturday! You guys are AWESOME! (Either that or you REALLY don't trust my cooking!?) That's the wonders of true friends that know exactly how much of a passion you have for things for 200 people! I believe our pastor has been preaching on giving sacrificially, this would be one of those moments!

Hope to see you all sticking around on Sunday. The guys are working hard to make it an awesome event for all involved, boys, parents, and church supporters. I believe they will be auctioning off deserts that are made in dutch ovens! YUMMY!

Jadee said...

Need some help? Maybe I can find a couple of extra hands to bring that direction....LOL!

Dash said...

we're also trying to get some ranger games set up to use in an open house between the dinner and the awards presentation.

I hope Olive can make it this time .... and that she won't laugh and call us names. She'll never let the commanders join in.

f o r r e s t said...

A lot of chili = a lot of gas.

Let us know if you need any help.

Anonymous said...

Thanks forrest, but just to be clear, was that help with the chili or the gas?!

Dash said...

T told me that noone would get my little joke about "Olive-The-Other-Reindeer"

Ranger Games .... Reindeer Games ..

It was funny to me,,,,

T said...

I had a hard time getting the comments pages to work earlier. So I was the annon to forrest....ooops.

BTW, I didn't say no one would get your joke dash, I said I didn't think it was funny.

f o r r e s t said...

ranger games...reindeer games - that is quite a stretch. I do who olive is.

shakedust said...

Actually, I thought it was funny. I didn't pick up on "Olive" but I was thinking "reindeer games" when I was reading "ranger games."