Friday, September 23, 2005


Well, tonight I had the whole night with C. He said we should "shew dad and N out more often!" I guess that means he had fun!? We played gin on the computer and tried to play it with real deck. He's still processing how to play, but he's got a concept for it now, in time! He's definately my gamer....we shut off the movie we started to watch because he really wanted to play a game with me.

We wrestled, which is a lot of fun while they are young! I told him that it won't be long before I can't do that with him anymore...because he's going to be able to beat me soon! I was keeping a new bear away from him and hiding it under a blanket and he was doing his best to get it from me. He's pretty smart and WAY faster then he use to be, I took off running down stairs to hide in my closet and he was RIGHT behind me, I barely beat him to the closet, needless to say I wasn't hiding at all!

Then there was the night time road trip. We went out for apple pie at Mc D and drove around Mission. I took the opportunity to talk with him about school, how he was doing, and things we need to work more on. We cranked the radio and listened to Oldies too! All in all, it was a fun filled evening and we both just enjoyed each others company.


Flip side, I found some prayers written by Nicky tonight. They were out in the open on her desk, so I read them. I was humbled and awe struck at how much she thanked God for me. I know how much I have prayed that she and I would be able to communicate and that I would be the mom she needs. My mom and I are very close now, but our inability to communicate while I was growing up hindered our relationship until I was almost out of the house. I have feared because N communicates more like dash that we would have this wall built up too and I have worked hard (with N's help) to try to make sure that we don't fall trap to that. It's almost a game for us now when we communicate well we laugh and when we don't ...we laugh! In the end we figure it out together. But to see her thank God and tell him that I always understand her and correct her in a good, I know that as a kid I appreciated my parents correcting me but hardly ever felt that they did it in a good way, because if I was getting corrected--it was not good!

She is at a tender age and is going through a lot, I am glad that she knows she can trust God and to read these prayers and see that she is not just assuming things are a certain way, but asking God to help her process His Word and give her strength and understanding to what it means to believe in Him and to do works for Him. Wow. So many of her prayers are for other people too, I am so glad to know that she is really developing her relationship with God at such a tender age. I know that's the only thing that sustained me through the different walks of life.


I have to say here that I was raised to not build up your kids. My parents would brag to us about each other, but not to other people AT ALL. I was raised to know and understand that my kids are not perfect and to see their faults, to not be naive. (Even if as grandparents they reserve the right to ignore all that!)

I don't write this blog for people to respond or for people to think that I believe I am some great parent with it all figured out. We all learn and grow together and what my kids do and are and will become is yet to be determined. I just am glad that tonight, on this night I can look at them and where they are in life and know that perfect or not that N's foundation is solid. As for C we don't talk about it as much but when he prays I know he expects results and that's a start. He'll figure out the rest in God's timing and his own. I know he says that he's asked God into his heart and that even at his age, he asks me what happens to those who don't believe in God, so he's processing through his own walk.

I just wanted to take time out to write about these things tonight so I can remember these moments in the future when we have times come up where as a parent you need reminding they aren't always perfect, but they aren't always bad either! That's all. I just had a wow moment and wanted it recorded. Next time it will probably be the "Oh my, not again!?" moment!


Dash said...

Both of my kids continue to amaze me. After only being away from them for 3 days, I was noticing tonigh just how much they have grown up over ther last few weeks. C has started making sarcastic jokes (yes, dust they are usually pessimistic). N's heart for ministering to others has been apparent for some time now - but I'm still surprised to see how much thought she puts into what's going on with the people in her life and how much she seems to know.

Jadee said...

I wholeheartedly agree. You are so blessed with a wonderful family and God-fearing/loving children. I am sure that is why we (boys and I) love spending time with your family. It's not many homes that you can walk into and have so much in common down to the fact that our children are sensitive to the Lord! I love and appreciate that about you and Dash! I can't wait to see you all this weekend! Love ya bunches!!!!