Saturday, April 29, 2017


four movies. On my computer sets 4 movies. They are not in our movie collection "where they belong" according to my husband. They are on top of my computer. These are the movies I like to quote the most, the movies that when I'm balancing the checkbook, paying a bill, or blogging - I like to have on in the background. Some people like music, I find comfort in these movies. They are all modern, as I am not yet a fan of old movies. Maybe someday? Which one I would pick over another depends on the mood I'm in, do I want mostly music with a love story theme? Do I want romantic where the setting is character as well as the people? Do I want action with a dash of romance? Or do I just want to observe people having fun playing games with each other that happen to fall into love in the process? :)

Four go to movies.... 1, 2, 3, 4.

If you had 4 "go to" movies what would they be, and why?

1 comment:

shakedust said...

Interesting thought. I don't know that the type of movies I enjoy would work well as background music.

I tried to come up with four go-to movies, but I don't know if I could limit it to that, because as of late I haven't been re-watching movies all that much. It'd be easier to come up with four moods/genres.

1. If I need to laugh: Office Space, Galaxy Quest, anything Mel Brooks
2. If I'm in a contemplative mood: Gattaca, Oblivion, Older Star Treks
3. If I need something brainless: One of the newer superhero movies or Star Wars
4. If I need to watch something with the kids: I really enjoy the recent Lego movies.

What are your four?