Thursday, July 21, 2016

:( Processing

Nicky is spending her first night in her new home.  She signed a lease and moved out today.  My first advice to anyone who is going to go through this someday with their kids .... PREOCCUPY YOURSELF!   Chandler is taking the basement (where Nicky was) and we annexed his old room for the office.  So the entire week to two weeks that she was packing and preparing to go, we were too.  It took some of the sting out of her going.  (Some).  Tonight as she was moving the last of her stuff, we were trying to organize the office and set it up.  Keeping busy is a big help to avoid the saddness of her moving out.

I am thrilled that we raised a daughter who wants to be independent and self sufficient.  She is both of those things.

I am sad that I won't need to stay up to wait for her to come home.  I won't know what she's doing all the time.  I won't be able to stop her from coloring her hair pink, or blue, or purple or all three! :)

But I trust her and I know that she is a competent adult.  It is just another adjustment to life.  Life with an ADULT child.  One down - One to go.  (I wonder what I can make Chandler's room when he moves out - Maybe Chad and I will each get our OWN office/extra room???? LOL)

Looking forward to seeing where life takes this awesome girl of mine!  :)

1 comment:

shakedust said...

Amazing! By now she's probably successfully managing everything in her apartment. I hope all has gone well.