Saturday, September 20, 2014

Day 160

Routine.  It's weird how I get into routines and those routines seem to direct my life/path.  I'm not obsessive compulsive to the point that things HAVE to be done at a specific time in a specific way, but I'm generally routine/schedule based to the point that I get into a groove.  For example, Friday nights are "budget/finance" nights.  Saturday is typically cleaning and store runs in the evening and "play/local sight seeing trips" in the am.  Sunday is church and games or loafing.

I just described a typical weekend.  The week nights, I try to keep open.  I like to be home when my day is done.  Chad is now in a Bible study every other Monday night.  Chandler has youth on Wednesdays and Football on Thursdays.

I miss the weeks we used to host home groups and have people over.  I like cleaning the house for more than just ourselves to see it! ;) I like having people come over and sharing life together.  We've started participating in a home group here, but so far it's not the same kind of "life life together" group as we had in OP.  Chad thinks that is because of the age of the people in the group and where we are at in life.  We're all "older" with "older" kids.  Kids in college and high school primarily.  Some have elem. kids, but even those have Jr. High or High school kids too.

Maybe it is the season of life we're in?  I just hope that at some point in our life we'll have people we can look forward to having in our lives as part of our "routine".

Oh well.  Until then, at least I have facebook! lol ;)

1 comment:

shakedust said...

I love routine!

I hope you are able to find ways to get people you want to spend time with into your routine.