Monday, June 09, 2014

Day 61

Day 61 -
I'm working on getting back on track after taking a slight detour down Diet Coke alley and Carbohydrates Drive.

I think I just went a little out of my way.  I won't know for sure until June 25 (my next check-in).

I would like to have this big theological blog today, but I just don't have the energy to be brainy - at all.

Instead I'm going to use this blog to ask anyone who reads it to pray for Nicky.  She has some difficult decisions to make over the next several weeks/months.  Her initial financial plan for school this year didn't work out, so she's got to readjust her plan.  Which is a bit challenging and I want to help, step in, make the decisions/calls and say "this is what you're going to do" but in reality - I can't.  She's 19 and she's figuring out things out.  I've offered advice and told her what we can do to help.  But ultimately, she's the decision maker. I believe she will succeed, I still don't know which path she'll take to accomplish success.

If you're reading this and you have young children at home.  Cherish the moments.  :)

Thanks again for your prayers, I'll try to do better next time. I have a couple ideas brewing.

1 comment:

shakedust said...

I'm sorry to hear that Nicky's situation is not going how she intended. I that things have started to turn around for her.