Saturday, May 17, 2014

Day 38

It's been a good day.  I slept in :).  One of my most favorite things to do.  It's the first time in a long time that sleeping in meant sleeping later than 9am!  Chad and I balanced our check book and did our budget and paid some bills.  Then we went out to eat with our TGIF coupon.  We've been using a lot of coupons for dinners out lately.   It's pretty nice.

Chandler went to a youth group dodge ball event. 

We all went to the store and got out groceries for the next week or so and now we're home.  With the groceries put away, the list of meals planned out and on the fridge and even an additional list on the freezer that specifies what foods we have for the future that aren't "planned". 

Chad found a great deal on Easter Hams at about 1/2 price or more.  They were $7/ham. We bought two!  One we froze and the other we'll fix next weekend. 

When we go to the store, we're finally taking time to think "protein" and reduced carbs.  I even froze 1/2 a pie the other night that a friend gave me, so I wouldn't eat too many carbs too quick.  I like the fact that I can make healthier choices at this point and still indulge some too. 

Chandler is going to do the workouts this summer for football and is planning on joining the team this year.  He's thinking and planning a head on "conditioning for conditioning".  So he is working into his routine a run and some pushups and other items.  He may even start staying after school one or two days a week and using the weight room that's open.  I'm glad he is trying to be active and is making choices that have him doing more.  Never thought my kid would be a sports dude though.  Got to say, when he was little, I did not see this at all. 

I had a happy thought/moment today. I went to read for a bit and I like a lot of people, on read electronically now.  So I use my phone or Kindle for reading.  Anyway, I picked up my phone and was going to read a kindle book but instead of clicking the Kindle app, I clicked on my Bible app!  I love that I'm reading my Bible so much again that it's my default auto response to reading.  I had been like that for while and then slowing moved the other direction.  So, I'm glad to see myself moving the right direction again. :)

I guess that's about it today.  I'm looking forward to Part 3 of 4 tomorrow at church.  Our pastor is preaching on YOLO.  I hope I'll have some good stuff to pass on.  Until tomorrow, good night and take care.  Remember to find a way to have good times even in the mundane moments - like budgeting and grocery shopping.  It makes for a happier life.   So thankful that Chad and I do that stuff together now.  It's so much nicer than when I did it all by myself, although when I was at home all day and going to the store was the only time I had a lone - I liked that a lot too.  I guess it's just adjusting to the different places you are in life that really make the moments good. 


Dash said...

doing the budget with you is even more fun then spending it all by myself ... I think :-)

shakedust said...

I agree that budgeting can be a fun couple's activity!