Monday, May 12, 2014

Day 33

I had a great weekend with Chad, Chandler and Nicky.  :)  It's been so great having her here.  I really miss her a lot.

Chandler tells her we're a different family now.  There is some truth to that.  With her not with us, the roles have changed a bit.  Chandler does 100% house chores and no yard chores here.  (We live in a condo).  The ratio of guys to girls is 2 to 1.  Chandler is at the stage in life we can treat him older and let him do more too.  So, the dynamic is a bit different here.

I believe the dynamic would have been different anywhere because of the stage of life we're all going through.  I'm not sure that Chandler can see that point always.  I think he feels that Michigan created more of  the change than him being 14 and Nicky being in college.

Today is Nicky's last day with us for a while. :(  I'm headed to work, Chad headed to work.  Chandler was sick (a sinus infection/cold) so we are letting him stay home with Nicky today. I hope they have a great time together.  You can never go backwards  in life or in relationships, you just have to figure out what the future looks like in them when life circumstances change the dynamic for you.

1 comment:

shakedust said...

You've certainly had a lot of changes in your family all at once in the last year.