Sunday, May 04, 2014

Day 25

As I'm trying to take time to become physically and emotionally healthy, sometimes this is easier said than done. 

Today, our pastor preached about having Joy in our life.  Making sure we do things to deliberately increase laughter.  He left us with 3 challenges for the week. 

1.  Do one thing specifically for your entertainment/joy and for no other reason.

2.  For 3 nights this week "unplug" your phones, pcs etc at 6pm until bed time.

3.  Avoid the "downers" or only let people share your time that will be uplifting.

We are in the 2nd week of YOLO - You Only Live Once -

I realized as our pastor told jokes and shared stories from his personal life that made us laugh that I really don't laugh enough.  He said that there is a study that says adults laugh on average 15 times a day.  I would have to say as a "thinker" "planner" and all in all "serious by nature" person that I fall seriously under the average.  It's not that I'm unhappy, but I certainly don't dwell on the things that bring a lighter side to life. 

It is my prayer today that I'll not only be able to incorporate this challenge into this week. But that I'll consciously make an effort to laugh more and not let the things in life that could get me down, be what I dwell on.

1 comment:

shakedust said...

I laugh a lot more than the average, but that's a habit I developed as a release valve more than anything else. It would be stressful to laugh less.

I wish you an enjoyable week!