Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day 4

I must admit first that I am typing this from my phone.   So please excuse all grammar errors today.

As for day 4...I couldn't sleep last night so I was up reading  in my Bible.  I have read the gospel accounts of Palm Sunday.  I am amazed at what the disciples were living through and just how little understanding they had at the time.  Maybe I shouldn't be?

I am so very thankful today that Jesus not only knew what He was doing but He did it for me.    We are so blessed,  are we like the disciples and clueless to just what God is doing and has done for us?  

1 comment:

shakedust said...

I've wondered the same thing many times. Jesus did not match what the Messiah was supposed to look like, and much of the Gospel had been hidden as a mystery. I know that when he talked about how he must suffer and die the disciples wondered what he really meant by those statements. Jesus would probably have confused me as well.