Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 18

YOLO - Our Pastor is doing a 4 week series that is titled "You Only Live Once".  Actually, all age groups of the church is focused on this for the next 4 weeks.  The children's church, youth, young adult, and life groups. 

This is of course not a new concept.  at our church in Linton we did the "One month to live" challenge.  

I liked that today our pastor preached from Ecclesiastes.   He pointed out that there is some debate on if it was Solomon or not who wrote the book, but he (our pastor) believes it was, so he preached based on this belief.  

I can't image, with the content of Ecclesiastes, who else could be the author?   He was pointed out that the author of the book is in search of satisfaction. That he searches through wisdom and knowledge, thorough accomplishments, possessions, and comparison but he doesn't find satisfaction in any of these things.  Are wisdom, knowledge, accomplishments, possessing, all ok and even good things?  Yes - but they of themselves don't satisfy.

Depending on God, Living for God, and Living out of principle are the only way to be truly satisfied.  

I find it interesting that the underlying theme God keeps bringing up to me is "depending on Him".  In examining my life, if asked, I would say - "I absolutely depend on God and I'm grateful for what I have because I wouldn't have it without Him."  That would be my knee jerk reaction, but also a sincere reaction.  

What I'm starting to be reminded of, is that there are varying levels of dependency.  For example, a baby is totally dependent on it's parents.  A teenager - somewhat dependent.  An adult is essentially free from dependence on their parents.  It's our HUMAN nature to become INDEPENDENT.  Knowing that, I realize that as I "grow up" in God, I tend to "know more" and therefore "do more" on my own.  Not EVERY decision is ran by Him first, like it was when I was a younger Christian.  But if I'm supposed to be like a child and come to him. If I'm supposed to depend on Him.  Maybe I should make a few less assumptions and really focus more on how can I become more dependent on Him.  

This year is about Praying and Obeying.  What better way to become 100% dependent again than to make sure I'm in constant communication with him and that I'm taking time to ask Him to have more say in my life. I believe I may end up with the exact results I have now, but I'll be more "satisfied" knowing that they didn't come out of my will assuming it's God's will, but out of God confirming His will.  Who knows, maybe nothing will change, maybe a lot will change.  But You Only Live Once and in my opinion - I want to get it right the first time.  I want to hear "well done my GOOD and FAITHFUL servant". 

Pray and Obey - YOLO.  :)  

1 comment:

shakedust said...

I love Ecclesiastes. It is so easy to get side-tracked in the book and get away from the primary point, which you noted is that all that was left in the teacher's search in life that was not futile was to trust in God.