Monday, October 17, 2005

You've Got Mail

Best Movie EVER! I love this movie. I am not inclined to watch reruns of tv shows, or movies more then once. Occasionally I break with tradition. I have watched You've Got Mail more then any other movie. I love how Nora Ephron writes. She is a true artist with words. I admire that.

Why take a picture when you can say a 1,000 words? I love words when they are used for good and not evil. When they are encouraging, or as in this movie, just so fluently funny grabbing at emotional levels with just the perfect amount of humor. Joe, (Tom Hank's character) gets to say so many things that have double meanings.

More then his double meanings though are the awesome lines that fill the screen almost making them a character of their own. A perfect example "What can I say, sometimes a guy just wants the impossible." Or when he tells her "I would have asked you for your phone number. I would not have been able to wait 24 hours to call you up and ask you to get some coffee, drinks... for as long as we both shall live." "The only fighting we would have was over what movie to watch on Saturday night. Who fights about things like that? Not us. We would never." "If you can forgive this guy, you've never met for standing you up, then why can't you forgive me for this tiny thing of putting you out of business? Oh how I wish you would." This movie will probably always be my favorite, because as I stated, Nora is a true artist with words and I love words. If only I had that kind of tallent. "I was hoping that it was you. I wanted it to be you so badly."


GoldenSunrise said...

I remember enjoying the words that Meg Ryan has said in that movie and in others. I liked "When Harry Met Sally."

T said...

Yes, that's another great Nora film! That's my sister's favorite movie!

f o r r e s t said...

That is a fun movie. I picked it up as a stocking stuffer for Vernal last year. Wal-mart had it for the day after thanksgiving sale for only $3.88.

Dash said...

T and I have the better part of 'Mail' memorized. We even notice scenes that were edited together in the wrong order - for example:

Joe mentions that Kathleen's Shop Around the Corner will not always be the only place in the neigborhood to buy a children's book (problem with this is that his store has already opened).

Did you ever notice that every phase of their relationship is associated with a holiday: pumpkins, turkey, carols, bunnies etc.

I'm writing too much about it here ... see the dashboard for more on Tom 'n' Meg movies.

T said...

Yes, sadly we do have most of the movie memorized, although at the end, Kathlees says "I wanted it to be you so badly" and dash ALWAYS tells me it's desperately then I go back unsure of myself and look at the line AGAIN and see that I'm not crazy it is badly! It's nice to be right even if it's such a trivial thing as this!