Saturday, October 15, 2005

Growth spurts

When the kids go through growth spurts there is:

Lack of sleep
Confusion (for you until you figure out it's a growth spurt causing all the craziness)
and most of all excitement.....

excitement from the parents--they grew! Wow, check out how their clothes don't fit anymore!? Amazing, they fit last week! It really happened overnight! (usually a few nights.)

Excitement for the kids---I'm bigger, I did it! I grew! I did what a kid's suppose to do, I grew! How cool!

Similarly we go through spiritual growth spurts I have found for myself that I hit pretty much all the same things as above. It's painful growing spiritually. I don't sleep as well, my brain is processing and thinking through the things I'm learning and growing from. I am clumsier with my words as I process through things, I get confused for a while wondering what the point is and finally I have stretched, I have grown and see that the spiritual clothes from before don't fit as well and I get excited. Excited that I am still growing and learning and doing what I'm suppose to be doing!


GoldenSunrise said...

Great illustration!

It sounds familiar...the spiritual growth part..thinking, not sleeping, pain. You nailed it on the head.

shakedust said...

Good illustration. Now when I have problems going to sleep I'll blame it on my spiritual growth. :)

It is often harder to tell that we have actualy grown spiritually than physically, though.

Dash said...

I agree about the measurable change. It's difficult to see the change internaly. Some times its others that can best see the difference in you - like pencil marks on the litchen wall as you grow.

I know I already quoted the Sarah Groves song 'Like a Skin' on my own blog recently - but this is exactly what I was talking about. It would be so helpful, if we could see something tangible left behind as we change.

Then there the other issue of doing the things that we "do not wish to do". Even when we grow, we still retain the potential to fail or lapse into our childish ways - making a determination of growth even more diffcult.

windarkwingod said...

My brain is growing sideways now. I can feel it in the night - buzzy little thoughts twinging me with irritation and clumsiness - but I do like the result...