Monday, October 10, 2005

We decided

So, some of you noticed that our kids were in big church on Sunday. We decided that since they were not going to be in the program this year that they would go to Big church. This was what we felt would be best for our family. I was going to sit with them, but our good friend "Ant" sat with them instead because he and his family go to 2nd service, he offered, so off they went to "big church" and back to Sunday School somewhat unprepared I went!

We knew this was what was best for our family, but I have to tell you that after talking with them after church I went from having a peace about the decision to sheer Joy. Between the two of them we we told the whole sermon! They each got stuff out of it that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. I look forward to the next several weeks and the future discussions we'll have. :) The other cool thing was how God worked it out for me to be in Sunday School too, I wasn't looking forward to missing it, but I wanted to do what was best for the family, not just what I wanted and we got both!


f o r r e s t said...

What program are they not going to be in? The christmas program, the childrens program? Did they get in trouble? That was my punishment when I got in trouble at church, I had to go to the adult service. B-O-R-I-N-G! And then I got in trouble for not sitting still on those hard pews. I am still restless now, but now I don't get in trouble, because I am an adult.

Dash said...

... sounds like C-man may still be better behaved than you in "Big Church". :-)

The kids won't be in the Christmas program this year - so it doesn't make sense to have them attending superchurch for the next few months when most of the time will be spent rehearsing a play they won't be here for. It will do them both good to be in service.

I know that we focus as a church on providing opportunities for everyone to minister; but it seems strange to have the Jr. High and other Youth "helping" with the children's programs. A kid doing that would potentially not spend any time in a Sunday morning service until they were old enough to vote in a church business meeting.

Then again ... there are a large number of adults that seem to find something else to do in the foyer. I call them the third service people.

f o r r e s t said...

... sounds like C-man may still be better behaved than you in "Big Church". :-)

Probably, you guys should pat your backs. :) I am pretty good during Sunday service, it is the Wednesday night service when I become a trouble maker.

Yes, those Jr high kids are just trying to get out of service.

wsexix - I am not going to define it.

T said...

No going to big church is not punishment. Sitting still can be difficult to do, but since they can sit through a movie and attend school all day.....

GoldenSunrise said...

Glad things worked out for everyone. It is hard sitting in the pews for a long period of time. : )

roamingwriter said...

I'd like to hear all the reasoning for this. Sounds like an interesting discussion! I think a mix of services is probably good. Iremember in junior high working CC to avoid service. I also remember during Jr Hi having a moment where I "got" the sermon and actually paid attention. Cool.