An opening line I didn't anticipate hearing tonight while visiting with a friend! C-man was cleaning his room while N was doing her homework. I told him he could listen to music. I guess news was on 88.5 so he had it on instead. He came in the room in a serious tone and started with the above line, here's how the rest of the conversation went!
"that if you're a parent and you spank your child too much you can make God angry. It's just what they said, uh, not me, but God. They said that. That He will get angry if you spank your kid too much."
His look of perplexity was so cute. I can only imagine some of the possible questions going through his mind. How could it be? Was it indeed true? Was GOD on his side? Could he stop all future spankings from happening right here and right now? Had his mom and dad already made God angry?
I am glad that he came and talked to me about it. I was able to again point out how some children are abused and that it's wrong, but also the Bible did in fact instruct parents to spank and discipline their children so God was not mad at us for this!
I guess I should quote the "spare the rod, spoil the child" verse to him, that's what my mom always did!
I am thinking about other ways that could be applied.
"God doesn't like it when I have to eat my broccoli."
That was a new one for me to hear. I like how he was concerned that God might be angry with you.
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