Since infancy C-man has had restless sleeping habits. He sleeps the appropriate number of hours, but as a baby he would make noises like he was scared, his breathing would change, occasionally he would cry but he would be SOUND asleep.
He has asthma. Usually allergy induced. He will have asthma attacks at night. When he is crying in his sleep we have to play the guessing game. Can he breathe? Is it a bad dream? I think on many of the occasions it's been both. One has brought the other on. I have had nightmares that I couldn't breathe and was dying while having an attack in my sleep. But I am not sure that a bad dream doesn't occasionally spark shallow breathing that can induce an attack, especially when he's got sinus problems and congestion anyway.
So, he's not been sick lately. But tonight, while I am in the office, I hear the all to familiar sound. He's dreaming. Then it's quiet. Then I hear whimpers. I check on him and he is SOUND asleep with tears streaming down his face. I hate to wake his sleeping body, but I hate to let him emotionally lay there crying too. So I move him and get him to wake up enough to say that he is breathing okay. Luckily he doesn't remember if he was dreaming or not.
I have always known this about him, but rarely consciously think about it. We've never really talked about it, except for once this summer. I asked him if he knew he could pray to God and talk to God and that God answers prayers. His reply was "yes, I pray every night not to have bad scary dreams and when I pray that I don't have them." Maybe if I blog about it I'll remember to talk with him and make sure we are both praying for him! Got to go, now it's an asthma attack
Does he have big tonsils? Look in his mouth and see if they are close to touching. That can also cause everything you talked about. It would also set off the asthma.
well, today was picture day and his first "first grade" field trip. So he got up, said he was fine, got dressed and went to school!
seminole, I'll check his toncils out again, but they are usually good when this happens.
N has the toncil problem. She's outgrowing it, but I am familiar with it too.
Actually c thinks he might have had popcorn with real butter on it yesterday. That could have triggered it.
He's usually sick August through March! But with his diet and medicine he's been better this year. We might just be getting into that season again for him. At least it's a couple months later then usual.
I hope he had a fun day. Poor guy.
I feel your pain!
I used to dream really intensely and even after I opened my eyes the bad image would still be in my vision, so I'd see, for instance the giant grasshopper bigger than my bed and I'd see my bedroom at the same time. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.
Yay Roam is back! :) :) :)
semi, I did check his tonsils, they were fine. He remains a mystery! I think he likes it that way!
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