My mother wrote a prayer for us when we were infants. It embodies my parents parenting style and the essence of my mothers faith. If only I can be a matriarch in my family and make 1/2 the difference she does in our lives.
Dear God,
You gave me children,
I gave them back to you.
You gave them me to guide them,
Now show me what to do.
Your wisdom is far greater
then mine could ever be.
So use your wisdom to guide my children,
and use it Lord through me.
I love my mom. I knew and understood the meaning of this poem at a very young age and can attest that God certainly does answer and honor this prayer. I believe He continues to do so for many others who have prayed this prayer as well.
Those are powerful words. We all definately need God's wisdom.
It was cool seeing that prayer (written on a plate I think) hanging in T's old room when I went to meet her folks. I thought it was great to see that her mom had been praying that for her all these years.
Yes dash, when I was very little about 4 maybe, my mom had the prayer painted onto a ceramic plate and she had 4 matching photo frames made....with all of our baby pictures in the phote frames she had tha diplayed on our living room wall all the years we lived at home. When we all moved out, she gave us our frames with our baby pictures and moved the plate to her office (my old room!)
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