Saturday, October 22, 2005

Family of Bloggers

So we became a family of bloggers this week. Thursday the children created their own blogs. They picked out their own names, their own templates and then they began. Nick typed up hers first. Then cman wanted a go at it. So after Little-Artist typed up her first blog, c-man became Lego-Master and created two blogs! They got home on Friday and wanted to do blogs immediately! Cman kept saying, I have 2 blogs to write! He came up with a third that we put in his drafts!

We've created a monster! He wants to tell all. He wants to share and everything that happens is a story and becomes a blog! He's already planning on blogging about rocks! (Since he learned another trick from Mr K (that's what cman calls windar). He's excited and we're getting to see both of our kids share and grow in their thought process. Cman is already stopping after it's read back to him to think and say, I don't know if they will get and understand what I'm saying there. It's a great learning tool, but I am VERY glad that my little blog monster (lego-master) writes short blogs, since I've been the one typing for him!


shakedust said...

My mom always encouraged me to try to keep a journal of stuff that was happening because it would help me communicate better (I think). I never got into it too much because I didn't have an audience.

I know that keeping a blog has helped my writing abilities, and I am already relatively old. I can only imagine the benefits of having one in elementary or middle school.

GoldenSunrise said...

You are right about blogs being a good learning tool. It sounds like it is helping C-man communicate his feelings and thoughts.