Thursday, October 06, 2005

In a nut shell, Corn, and other great sayings

My mom is a wonderful woman with a very colorful vocabulary. I do not mean that she curses (because she does not even say slang because it's too close to the other.) But she has various sayings you are guaranteed to hear if you listen to her speak very much at are some prime examples:

In a nut shell (After explaining her feelings or her views of something)
Corn (When she has dropped something)
Crimany (when she is exasperated.)
Doodge (to replace the name of anything that she can't think of at that moment...get me that Doodge)
Do Hickey (to substitute for Doodge)
Well, I'll be (in amazement)

I have been particularly mean to my mom about these things, saying "green beans" after she says corn! Or waiting for the right word, after doodge was said to actually bring it to her. I like Crimany and may incorportate it into my own verbage eventually! I believe in a nut shell that sums up her more predominant sayings.


GoldenSunrise said...

Where did she come up with "corn" after dropping something?

My mom uses the word "veclempt" when she can't breath or is hot. It came from SNL Mike Myer's coffee talk lady. I don't think it is a word.

I use the word "thingy" instead of dohickey or doodge.

shakedust said...

For what it's worth, I don't have any words or phrases that I use too much. :)

T said...

I created something fun that the kids could laugh at and that was safe for repeating for when I stub a toe, step on a toy, or run into something that I should be smart enough by now not to run into!


They laugh. I have no idea where it came to me from, it just happened and now it's a "mom saying!"

Dash said...

I try to say CORN as often as possible when we visit T's mom. It's kind of fun (in a PG way) to get to 'swear' in front of her using her own words.

windarkwingod said...

My new saying is "Mi cabeza no es funcionar..." This must be pronounced with all attending lisps on the consonants a la Beavis and Butthead. Roamer is probably tired of it by now.

T said...

Yay windar is back!

Stephanie said...

My sister-in-law has tons of sayings I love. Itstead of saying that she thought something was funny, she says that she got tickled. When people are mean or her kids have attitude, she says they are "showing their butt." (One time her expression went:
she showed her butt and I told her what's what!) But pretty much anything she says is fun, because it's in the thickest accent ever. (Arkansas)