This was a question asked this Sunday in Sunday school. Why are some people more prone to moving then others? There were answers like....
Some people like change more then others
Some people see moving as an opportunity
(Okay those are the two that I remember the best because they are the two that realated to me the most.)
I know some people move because they have to out of circumstance. I would say that in most of our moves it was a combination of circumstance...seeking opportunity...and we like change. We have lived in the home we are in now longer then any other place we've lived as a married couple. We've lived here over 3 years. Prior to this house 2 1/2 years was the longest we had lived in the same home. Sometimes it was just from an appartment to a house in the same city, other moves moved us across states to family or to jobs.
With each move I was excited about the new opportunities. New income, new or closer relationships. With each move I grew so much spiritually and socially as I become more okay with who I am and comfortable being me in any environment. Since I first moved away from my parents home a little over 13 years ago I have lived in 9 different homes. I had my first appartment (aka "fire trap"), 2 different dorm rooms (thank goodness NEVER AGAIN:)), another appartment (not entirely bad), a house (still my was way cute, built in the 40's with etched glass by the door and a built in window seat next to built in book shelf, covered patio in the back--perfect for bbq and card games and a detached garage that was 1/2 the size of the house!), back to an appartment (this time in another state--not so great,) a house (usual 3bd ranch, but I did enjoy redoing the bathroom while we lived there and painting the living room!), a new house 3 states away (It was all stone, kept it cool--which was nice because it didn't have AC) and to the house I live in now, again a 3 state move.
Some of this time it was Dash and I finding our place, I had my home (where my family is,) he had his home (where his family is,) and then there is KC where my sister use to live, but neither of us have family now. Yet we both felt at home so much that we came back here.
I don't plan on moving again for a while, but I know that every time I've moved it's been the right move. I have not had to feel bad or scared or worried about the decision because we've always been sure it was what we were supose to do. God has enabled us to make several steps while being here without relocating. I am glad for that. I am also glad that my kids know we can love and miss family, be close to them through the miles and that through it all God supplies our needs. I know that as time progresses and the kids are in school moving becomes less and less appealing, but I am sure when the time comes for us to move again we'll be excited for that opportunity like we have been for the others.
That is a lot of moving. I remember discussing this in a class and being amazed at how many other people moved around a lot in their lifetimes. That's something I did a little bit of too.
I have lived in thirteen houses and apartments, and two dorm rooms. I have had seventeen different bedrooms through that stretch as well. I have lived in six states, only two of which border each other (MO and KS), and the longest I have lived continually in any one state was five years in northern South Dakota.
What's interesting is that while this bred in me the strong desire to set down roots and never leave, it didn't do the same to my sister. She dealt pretty well with all the moving and doesn't seem to mind living in flux as much as I do.
I know what you mean about different effects on people. Growing up dash's family moved a fair amount. My parents moved within the same area of Indiana but different places until they settled when I was in 5th grade. They had owned the property for several years, we lived in trailers on it off and on but when I was in the fifth grade they finally finished the house they live in now.
The thing is, they've always complained about the county, the schools, the people...they really don't like that area at all. I heard that so much growing up, we'd look at farms in other places, they'd say "we're going to move this year" but they never have. It would always frustrate me because I REALLY wanted to move. So I tend to be more anxious about moving, it's always been the exciting thing I didn't get to do growing up (that and camping!)
But I have a brother and sister who never want to move, and don't want my parents to either. 2 out of the 4 kids like to move and do it frequently compared to most and 2 probably never will.
It is a miracle that I moved from Springfield! It had to be a God thing. I never thought that I would be living in Kansas someday.
I don't even want to count how many times I have moved in my adult years...let alone in my!
The best move I made was leaving Springfield, MO to come to St. Louis, MO.
The worst move I made was moving to Warner Robins, GA.
And my small group is VERY GLAD that I didn't move this month...because everyone else except our host family moved this summer!!!
We moved around a bit growing up until about 7th grade. My parents have been in the same house ever since.
Growing up we never did have family in town. We barely got to see our cousins and maybe saw my granparents twice a year.
I like the idea of setting up roots and for that reason I am not dying to get out of KC. All of Vernal's family is in town and my sister and cousinsister are also in town. Now that we have kids, my kids will have cousins and grandparents and Aunts and Uncles all in town. Growing up will be cool.
1. Dust, I didn't know that you lived in N. SD. You are my people! We need to chat!
2. I, unlike my cousinbrother, did have our four other cousins around most of the time. (Until I moved in with the Kansas portion of the fam.)I have always lived by some family. Because I was an only child, cousins were very important to me. I'm excited that my kids will grow up with cousins around them. But they will be further apart in age than mine were. (there were 7 of us, all born within 5 years of each other.)
3. I used to love to move, but not to different cities. In 4 years I had 7 different apartments/houses. This wasn't because of a rational reason like college. I simply got bored and liked to move. We always moved into a brand new apartment. So the joke was that when it was time to clean, it was time to move. I'm happy where I am now. I went to the same elementary school K-6. I want the same for my kiddos. My hubby says the moving has stopped. I'm happy, but it's still so exciting to think about a new place...
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