Tuesday, September 13, 2005


In Sunday School we talked about Pauls coversion moment and some of us spoke about our own at that time. Most of the class (not all) was raised in church so you would think our conversion stories would be similar. One person said that around the age of 9 they were at youth camp and they realized that they should make sure they were going to heaven. Another person said that they were about 6 and after sunrise service (remember those!?) They were thinking about God and the pastor saw them sitting alone and started talking to them, asked them some questions and they prayed together. Their dad being brought in (from cooking breakfast) to see that his son was getting saved! Another person pointed out that at a young age they were saved. It was coming to the realization that God loved them even if no one else did and them coming to an acceptance of His love.

I enjoy hearing people share how they became a Christian. It reinforces that God meets us where we are and doesn't forsake us. Later that night we had another conversation regarding Christian walk. The person we were speaking too admitted that they were having a difficult time right now caring about things in general and their desire to read the Bible and pray was not the same as when they were younger. We had the opportunity to share with them that as Christians we do go through this from time to time, that they weren't alone and that their personal knowledge of the Bible would sustain them through this time.

Paul was prepared to preach the gospel. He was well studied. Just like Paul's life and God having a purpose for him, I believe that God prepares us and enables us for our journey as well. I just hope I don't have to get shipwrecked to get there!


Dash said...

I was struck by how many folks in the room opened up to share their conversion experiences. I had only planned on 5 minutes for that part of the discussion. it ended up taking almost twice that.

GoldenSunrise said...

I can't really remember a time not being saved. I said the sinner's prayer as a child at a Kids Krusade at Glad Tidings, AG. There have been times that it has hit me hard realizing that Jesus died for my sins. I have repeated the sinners prayer at times to renew my relationship. Even though I know I am saved.

"My sin not in part, but the whole is nailed to the cross and I bare it no more."

T said...

When I was little we went to the churches that preached if you weren't right with God you had to REPENT! So I prayed the sinners prayer a lot! I was saved at a young age also, but I think the understanding that I didn't have to keep "making sure" came when I was in later Elem.