Monday, September 19, 2005

clutter and clear

I really like to have my office clean and not cluttered. This becomes increasingly difficult when I have mulitple projects that I am working on. I recently bought stacker trays for all of us. We each have our own stacker tray so I can keep C's homework/reading stuff, N's paper work for school, and things like mail and stuff that we need to work on in dash and my boxes.

I put it in the corner so it would be out of the way and kind of hidden. This is not working because the person who uses thier box the most is C and he can't reach it very well. Now I have to find a new home for the stacker trays that is more reachable for him. I bought cheap plastic ones so they aren't "furniture" type trays to see if the idea worked. I have a feeling on my christmas list will be "nice trays" since the idea is working. OH well. At least I don't have the piles on my desk that I use to have! I am glad for that and will live with the ugly trays in the mean time!


GoldenSunrise said...

Somehow that doesn't surprise me that C uses his tray the most! He seems like he likes things organized. Is his tray on the bottom?

T said...

Yes it's on the bottom, it's just too far out of reach in the corner of my desk! He steps on his tip toes to try to put things in it and to get things out! He really likes having it, I admit that I'm probably encouraging his organization gene by having it available like that but at least I can keep track of library books, sight word books, home work etc this way!

f o r r e s t said...

With little ones and their love of buttons and pushing things, we have moved the office/desk into our bedroom next to my closet. I am sorry to say that the desk chair get's cluttered with my inbetween clothes. Clothes that might not be to dirty to wash and could be put away. I come home from work and change quick and I usually lay my pants and shirt on the back of the chair. I get to lazy to put it away and by the endi of the week their is a monster living in the corner.

It does drive me crazy, so I'll clean it but honestly i forget about it, as I spend most of my time in other areas of the house until I come to bed and then I am too tired to clean up.