Well, we've got the whole Block Buster online thing and I'm just wondering, do I really like this program? It's kind of like insurance....
We put a bunch of movies in the que, so we always have a movie hanging around the house, but is it one that we will like? A movie, just in case we're in the mood for a movie. A movie there for the sole purpose that IF I were at home at that exact moment without the online membership and said "let go get a movie" I don't have too, because it's already there.
I am not sure that's a good enough reason to keep it. There have been plenty of months we've gone without renting even 1 movie in the past so why pay the now inflated price of $17.99 (yes, if you haven't gotten your email yet--the price is going up) before taxes to make sure I have the ability to save money in the long run on movies, if I have a particularly high "I want to watch a movie" month.
I still see the benefits that I saw before. 2 in store rentals cost $10 now. So between getting them and the minimum additional 3 rentals per month you have 5 rentals for $17.99 plus tax instead of 5 rentals for $25 (this includes tax.) So you save a minimum of $5 if not more depending on how much you watch movies. I just am not sure I can keep up with it enough to really feel the benefit.
Maybe if I cared enough to manage my que I wouldn't think about this as much, but the whole idea of the que goes against my trained way of watching movies. I'm a "what am I in the mood for?" watcher. Usually it's romantic comedy or drama. I have stretched due to lack of movies in this genre to watch an occasional comedy, drama, or even action from time to time. But again--It's largely based on what I'm in the mood for. So, this whole que thing is becoming more an obligation then a treat.
I guess we'll have to see what Dash and I decide by the end of this month, but right now, I'm leaning to canceling the program and maybe rejoining next summer when nothings on TV. To Que or not to Que? We shall see.
Hmmmm...maybe you should talk to my "financial advisor" and see what they say about the benefits vs. the expense....LOL! J/K =D
I haven't told Golden yet that I got the email too (she'll probably find out here :)... ). I don't think that three dollars is going to change our view of this, but if it continues to go up in price that may change. Our queue still has quite a few movies that we both want to see.
As I reviewed the Queue last night, I was amazed at all the movies that I have very little interest in seeing. I'm just about always up for a good movie, so you would think that this wouldn't present much of a challenge - but my cinema affinity has become a problem in itself since it has narrowed my selections to the dregs of the DVD cup.
If we lose the blockbuster program - I expect we'll pick up another ... at least once the fall TV season has ended.
We both like TV and TV shows. So we do watch tv more then movies during the regular season. So, I doubt that we keep it for now. Of course it takes 2 people to make this decision and dash is not quiet as ready to cancel as I am.
Did you guys get the free coupon for a previously viewed DVD? My email said that my fee would not go up until January 2006.
BTW - my one day Sabatical is over.
Our coupon said buy one previously viewed get the next for $5. The email we had said as of Aug 19, 2005 for the price hike.
I am totally a in the mood movie viewer. That's probably why it's such a challenge to find one to rent that we both agree on any given night. Not sure if I could adapt to the que.
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