Monday, August 08, 2005

Hero moments

Dash went to BlockBuster last night for us so we could use our coupons that were about to expire, one of which gave us the ability to buy a previously viewed video at a low price. I sent him on a mission. Get me The Wedding Planner! I love that movie and have watched it enough to have bought it by now.

So he went and he searched. They didn't have it available. :( "That's okay" I say. But he knows that this was his opportunity to get the movie I've asked for, for a long time. I even gave him the "It can be your anniversary gift to me!" statement before he left.

So with the movie not available in the previously viewed section, he went to pick out our free rental. (To which I believe he'll blog about ....a BollyWood movie.) He then comes home to me. While making some tea, he points out that he is once again my hero. I find out that the reason it took him so long to get home is because he talked the guy at the register into letting him buy one of their Wedding Planner movies off the shelf!

That's right, after years of hints, blatant requests and many, many nights of picking on him for NOT getting it yet, he managed to do his dashly deed and make it a hero moment!

Got to love the drama! Yes, you can always count on dash to become your hero, even if it's a day late and a dollar short---he'll find away to make it seem as if it's the day before with money in the bank! That's my hero!?! Or is he really just good at dramatization? HUM???


windarkwingod said...

Way to step up Dash!

shakedust said...

Dash is everyone's hero. :)

GoldenSunrise said...

That was a sweet story.

I like the Wedding Planner also. I do enjoy Matt M.

We will have to watch some chick flicks together.

T said...

Sounds like a plan! I'm a Matt M fan :)

Dash said...

I try to find Matt M movie that I know T will hate. Dragn Slayer, Contact etc.

roamingwriter said...

Picking and praising in the same post. That's impressive T! I love the angle.

T said...

LOL, yeah- I wish I could say it's new, but unfortunately it's a skill I've developed over time!

I do try to get some praises in without picking! LOL I just couldn't resist this one, because he really thought he was going to impress me with getting me a movie I've asked for since I saw it in the theater!