Thursday, August 11, 2005


I was recently outed. I watch soap operas. I have kept this quiet for many years, only letting a select few in my life know about it. I don't talk about it, I'm not a member of a secret or not secret fan club. Here's my story.

When I was a baby, my mom watched CBS soaps. Y and R, As the World Turns, and Guiding Light. When my gma (dad's mom) babysat me, she watched them. When I was in high school, my mom would turn on the tv to listen to it while she laid out. I didn't lay out. So I would watch the tv.

My mom does not watch soaps anymore. She thinks they are stupid. She's pretty much accurate with that impression. My Gma switched to tv preachers sometime in the 90's. That's a little too much drama for me!

I still watch As the world turns and Guiding light from time to time. Usually I only watch a few minutes here and there, that's enough to keep up. It's like a novel that never ends. I have 30 years in now so I can give you the back ground and history of all the couples and families and even when some entered the picture if they weren't born into Oakdale or Springfield! I CAN tell you, but I DON'T! Occasionally, just for fun I start in with dash who will ag me on because he's home on a day I'm watching. So when he picks on me, I give him what he's asking for, just because I can!

To answer some questions that you might be thinking if you know the stereotype viewers.

I do not watch them when I work. I have never planned my day or scheduled around these shows. When I get a call during them, I take it, and I always have. Just to be clear, if I see them I do, if I don't, I don't. I have never purchased any books on these shows, or dvd's of previous years. I have never gone to NY to see the place they are filmed. I don't plan to go there when I go to NY either. I don't see where the stars will be and make a road trip to meet them in person.

I personally like the absurdity in the story lines they make me laugh and since I don't read a lot, I watch these shows. If and when I read I read books that are cheesy romantic books like a soap opera. I like that type of story line. I always have.

I don't raise my kids too like or watch these shows. I don't encourage others too, but it's down time for me and I enjoy it AND in a million years I would NEVER have thought that I would blog or admit this in public! Thanks Jadee for outing me!

I have to admit I heard a lot of sermons growing up and a lot of people since dis soaps which is why I have remained quiet for so long. But I recognize that there are a lot worse things I could do. So that's my story. Now you know.


Dash said...

T has a hobby!!!!! - well sort of. By the way, she really likes our PVR because she can record them all and then watch them later usually on Friday to "catch up".

Now she has a pause button for those phone calls that she always takes. To be fair, she didn't schedule life around her soaps before PVV either.

My mom used to watch Days of our Lives. I remember being really into it back when the "John" turned out to not be the "Real Roman". This was way beefore he was a priest and Marlanea was the devil. My mom wouldn't have let me watch that. Adultery was ok ... just not anything with spirits.

Most of the time, I was just waiting for it to be over so I could watch black and white perry Mason reruns.

Paul Drakew was cool!!!

Jadee said...

I am SOOOO SORRY! I wasn't meaning to out you, T! It was merely a comment because I don't know the history, I can't seem to get into them when I have been exposed to them. (btw, we didn't have a TV growing up, but my folks got one AFTER my sister & I bought one at our

So, T, I will admit my one that you will laugh at....I do enjoy watching Matlock! Even in the 70's! So, when that show came on in the hospital and you groaned, I turned it off without telling you. So now we are even, right?? =D

Just for the record, I have never "seen" T watch soaps...she has only mentioned watching them from time to she is cool!

T said...

see dash, I specifically didn't tell them about your soap days! btw...I never knew your mom watched it and that's what got you hooked, I thought it was just during college you watched:). I remember days during the John/Roman thing, I would watch that sometimes when my mom wasn't home. My act of rebellion to like a different soap! But it didn't stick. I've seen a couple episodes of days, but I still like my old ones better. AWT and GL. Probably because I know the characters. I have a hard time liking new ones that come on.

Yes, I pvr them now. I never taped soaps. I got into pvring them when I realized I could watch 2 hours worth of soaps in about 30 minutes (I fast forward through the commercials and some of the show. I just watch a couple minutes of the story the rest is fluff anyway.

Yeah, I can over look the "natural sins." but Passions is wack. I can't stand NBC's stuff it's too "spiritual." GL tried that for a while with Reva, she was "pyschic" but now, she's normal and none of her kids have the "gift." They did some time travel during this as well. I think it was to keep up with Passions which had just started. I didn't watch any of them during this time. Once in a while I'd turn on the tv catch about 3 minutes of GL, long enough to know they hadn't finished that story line and then I'd shut it off.

T said...

No problem jadee! dash is a matlock fan too, he doesn't watch it with me! Sorry you missed that episode in the hospital. I just thought you were missing JJ and trying to get your 70's fix, had no idea that you could like it when not on meds!

LOL :) :)

Jadee said...

OMG! You had to bring that up didn't you...LOL!

Okay, guys, when I was first in the hospital, I had a roommate who was not in serious condition like myself. So she busied herself watching 24/7 GOOD TIMES marathon on TV Land for 3 days. Not only during waking hours, but she couldn't sleep with the TV off at night. I would turn it off...I would wake up with it on. All I can remember during my feverish deliriousness was this whining/screeching "J-J!" AAUGH! I thought I was going to lose my mind.

Thankfully, my bed was on the side by the window, and I didn't have to have people walking by my bed to see my roommates. I got the upperhand on that one! Ha! =D

roamingwriter said...

Just so you know they're not real, right? My mom liked one, I forget which one when I was little. Then one day I was reminding her it was on and sitting down to watch it, I don't know if I was 8 or 9, maybe older, she's like, no way, no more. I don't want my kid absorbing all this. I never saw it anymore. The people in college who planned their lives around the soaps cracked me up. That's not real life.

T said...

Not Real? Another bubble has been burst!

GoldenSunrise said...

It seemed like the majority of women I knew watched Days. I watched one episode and thought it was stupid.

My mom watched Young & the Restless. She gave me the background on all the families. There was always someone who had a jail in their basement and was keeping someone prisoner. I think it is funny when they age the kids by ten years overnight and expect us to believe it. I gave my soap up during high school. I realized it was an addiction.

f o r r e s t said... get to watch soaps, but Dash can't have his Harry Potter. That's not fair. I see a little inconsistancy here...

Dash said...

The whole HP discussion is a lot more involved that just being fan. It's definately a spaggetti issue where everything effects everything else - most of which having nothing to do with books, movies, blogs or fansites.

T's Soaps don't concern me in the slightest; beside, I've never been one that had to have everything "fair". The most glaring inconsistencies that I can think of between us are who mows the yard and does the dishes .... and I come out way ahead on those, so I can't complain.

f o r r e s t said...

I was only joking about one "supposed evil" vs. another "supposed evil." We all know that HP is not evil and soaps are. :)