Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Our twins arrived at 10:30 am Monday morning. By 10:30pm we were testing out our wireless modem in a personal AIM chatroom that I created for us, jadee, and dash's dad! It was a fun but silly thing to do. I enjoyed having Spfld, St. Louis, and KC in one room!

Today the router is not working....so dash I'm sure will be working on it to see why it worked and then didn't work? As we iron out the kinks, I am happy to have a way faster computer then my old one that when connected to the web has pages flash up in front of me! (I got the big sis...aka "the 2 minute older twin!")

I had about 8 or 10 things running last night while I chatted and played gin I was sending my old files to my new computer via gmail! Our house is somewhat a mess with boxes galore covering the living room and an office that is mid transition. But that's okay too. Sometimes in life you need to take a break from the mundane and have some fun, or so I've been told! I'm still working on that one--so I'm a little bothered by the boxes but underneath them lies a floor that's beckoning to be vacuumed, so if it takes another night to get it cleared up---that's one less night of vacuuming!


GoldenSunrise said...

Congratulations on your new arrivals! Does the fact that one twin has a remote and more features make it the older twin? The other one was the runt, because it has the basics? : )

T said...

yes golden, his is the runt because it doesn't have the horse power mine has!

Jadee said...

Horses, cows, twins, laptops....I can't keep up with the world these days...LOL!

At least I have ordered my DSL now...so I should be able to play a game of gin now without waiting for 10 mins for the card to flip over! =D