Friday, August 26, 2005

Congratulations, you have twins!

Dash and I recently decided to add two more to our family. We have thought about this for 11 years and after much deliberation, it was finally time. Why wait any longer? What were we waiting for anyway? So we will have twins arrive anyday now. Brand new baby Dells! That's right, twin Notebooks. You heard it here first!


Dash said...

Kids are only slightly more expensive ...... Then again, having a kid won't help in those moments you want to blog from the living room couch.

unless the kid can type and you don't mind yelling :-)

Jadee said...

You are TOO MUCH! Please tell me that you wrote this LATE last night!!! After you were all worried about me...LOL!

Very creative!

But just think these two new little ones will not mess up the house, but then again, they can't wash dishes either! =D

T said...

I almost pointed out that these kids would be better behaved, and not have to be potty trained! I thought that might be taking it too far! LOL

GoldenSunrise said...

It would have gotten a shock out of me if I hadn't already known about the Dells.

shakedust said...

There is an end date to the financing plan on the laptops. You only think there is an end date to the financing on your kids. :)

T said...

Funny you should mention financing for our kids. Nick said on her paper about herself that she wants to live in Austrailia. My reply was "great, I have always wanted to live there, I can come visit you!"

Her reply..."Yeah, well, I'm not paying for your trip overseas to see me!" We laughed as I said, "that's fine, I'm not paying your way either!" We have a mutual agreement!

windarkwingod said...

shocked me...

roamingwriter said...

I thought it was pets of some sort which I found shocking for T and Dash aren't really the pet people. Of course pet Dells are much more your speed. Are they going to be wireless? I long for wirelessness. Sigh. Actually, if we don't get dsl/phones, and a monitor purchased in the next week sometime we will be offline indefinitely. So wireless is the least of my worries! ha!

T said...

yeah, we'll be wireless too and yes, pet dells are more my speed!

T said...

btw I REALLY hope you get what you need this week to stay up and running, roaming.

f o r r e s t said...

Pictures! I wanna see pictures!