Thursday, July 21, 2005


So today I started working on some photo boxes. I have already pulled out my photos from photo albums and painted the boxes. I currently have 4 boxes. I spent some time today sorting photos into the boxes:
1. US *meaning Chad, me and the kids
2. N
3. C
4. Extended Family and Friends.

Sadly I realized that I have several duplicate pictures that I'll be disposing of. In addition to this I was amazed that N not only out did the C box (we don't take pictures like we use too.) But she out did the US and Family and Friends box too. Good grief. No one needs this many pictures of themselves before the age of 5!

I still have to organize the pictures in each box and then I have a couple more albums I might add once I get that done. I did enjoy the trip down memory lane with the different places we've lived and decorated. I also enjoyed remembering some of the fun things we've done with the kids.


GoldenSunrise said...

I remember seeing the painted boxes and you did a good job.

I had heard that couples usually take more pictures of their first born child. All the siblings thereafter get jipped. : )

I think my parents have more pictures of me as a baby than they do of my brother.

windarkwingod said...

Roamer and I always try to take a few pictures of our house, car, living room, kitchen etc... The mundane becomes a treasured record when viewed much later in life. Those pix spark!!!

shakedust said...

Golden's and her family are very interested in family photos, albums, etc. My family is relatively interested. I generally end up saying, "why that is another cute picture of a distant relative in a bunny costume."

That will probably change someday when I have kids, but until then. :)