I have become a mom of bad sayings. I revert to all the oldies. "That's the hand life dealt you, so too bad, deal with it." How many is that---together? 3 in 1 special--that's what that is!
It's not that I don't care for my kids. It's not that I don't take time to comfort them. It's just sometimes in life--even as a kid you don't get to pick the way things are. That was today's lesson. See, they have a hard life. They HAVE to go to work with me. They HAVE to play with other kids part of the day, everyday. Of course a year ago when we had summer at home, it was "we never get to play with any one else." I have found that in whatsoever state they are (meaning kids in general) they will find a way to not be content if you let them. Learning to be content in our state is a learning process. So, we're working on that this summer! Whoopee!
That is my favorite line that Paul wrote...to remind us to be content in whatever state I am in.
Course, it always helps to get a pick-me-up phone call too! You are the best, T!
I guess kids need to learn early on that life isn't fair and sometimes you have to do things that you don't want to do. I remember many of the Stars girls would complain about things not being fair. I told them that life isn't fair. I also said that their attitudes would make God sad.
You are awesome golden!
My favorite used on me by my Mom was "wait till you're in the REAL WORLD!" (still waitin' I guess). Another I heard form my Dad was "Tough (somethin somethin) in the BiG CITY! I like it when I hear the old phrases combined in bizarre and unintentional ways: "What do you THink I AM - A TURniP TRUCK!?!"
Contentment - that's a good one. You can call me up any time and remind me to be content along with your kids! Ha! It's a good lesson. May as well start learning it as a kid.
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