Thursday, June 23, 2005

I stand corrected.

I recently sat in my kitchen with some of you and said "I'm sure I'll always test strong choleric." while that is somewhat true, I did retake the Personality Test (since golden had mentioned it) and it is no longer the one I am strongest in.

Here's what I found to be most interesting. First....I am still Choleric/Melancholy, but my Melancholy is the highest now. Second. Where most of my answers changed is in the weakness category. I have felt that my "temper" has changed since being married and wouldn't you know it, the temperament that has raised itself the most is his strongest point (phlegmatic) but it's not in the strengths area, it's in the weaknesses (gee thanks hun!) Actually I was tied in my strengths area with Choleric/Melancholy. But Melancholy/Phlegmatic blew choleric out of the water in weaknesses. If I remember correctly when I took this test when I was first married I thought the phlegmatic's weaknesses weren't really maybe that's why I've changed in that area.

Now, the dilemma....I am melancholy which is described as "Introvert, Thinker, Pessimist" with my next highest score being choleric "extrovert, doer, optimist"! Since each time I've tested these have been my highest scores I don't know why this stood out to me this time. I have always felt that I am in conflict often with myself. I have attributed this to my parents being distinctively different (melancholy mom/choleric father) I never realized how much truth lies in the personal struggle I've had since a child to find the middle road of my dueling emotions/thoughts/ and communication styles. Probably why Mr. T finds himself often telling me my reaction to something doesn't compute. I can logically say to him"I know" but I can't get to the point of understanding why I am feeling the way I am. I've tried to tell him it's because I'm so messed up, which is the short answer. But after thinking about it more--maybe instead of blood tests, people should have to take personality tests before having children!

That's just some of my thoughts for now. I have to stop thinking for the moment to go and do dinner. BTW, I believe my Optimist and Pessimist cancel each other out and make me a true realist! HA.


GoldenSunrise said...

Interesting results. I guess spouses have more of an influence on each other than one might think. I have heard jokingly said that as you get older, you and your spouse turn into the same person. Just think what your results may be after the next 10 years of marriage...

T said...

I've heard that too. I am just not ready to contemplate what another 10 years will create in me.

I'm thinking raising teenagers will effect my personality. I might just become all out Melancholy! Or worse yet, my sanguine score of 2 my triple! (Any of you Sanguines out there that missed it...I'm disin' you! But all in good fun!)

Jadee said... my best friend T would say..."its best to be balanced between the two" I guess you are just a really, really balanced person! And that is looking at it in the positive sense! J/K! =D

shakedust said...

T, I have to say that you need to respect the RIPO quad a little more than to just assume reality is the middle ground. :) :) :) :) (notice the smileys)

Anonymous said...

All those test are just plain silly!
I find my true personality described in the horoscopes!

Why do we need test to describe what we should know as obvious?

T said...

clearing you are certainly entitled to your opinion, as am I. I like the tests, I have fun with them as many of us have said we do. I don't worry about those that don't have fun with each his own.

I think these tests show people that there are valid thoughts and opinions of other people that just don't think and communicate the way we do. I know that as much fun as I have with this now that when I was in college these tests helped me have a more open mind to others around me and see some room for improvement in my own life. I also find it helpful in understanding my children better too. So as silly as you find it, I find them interesting. Maybe it's just remedial school for me :-), but I'm okay with that!

As for horoscopes, I'll let someone else tackle that one. I don't read mine enough to have an opinion. I am sure you want to start something by bringing them up, sorry--my folks are the ones hung up on that being evil, you can ask Mr. T what he thinks---you might get a rise out of him!

T said...

I did notice the smileys...thanks for pointing them out since, as you see in the above comment, I need remedial school sometime! I certainly am not disrespecting your RIPO quad, contrary, I am saying that my optimist and pessimist sides cancel one another out making me a true realist! To me it's not middle ground, it's seeing the bad as an extreme, seeing the good as an extreme and focusing on what is real instead of one extreme over the other. Maybe since I can see both sides so clearly I am able to do this, maybe it's a gift (is that in the Bible--the gift of reality?!:-0) Notice the smiley!

Reality is an entity of it's own. It's not the pessimists view. It's also not the optimists view. It's what is real and sometimes that is closer to the pessimist and sometimes that is closer to the optimist but always it's what's real.

f o r r e s t said...

You are sounding like a jerk, when I know you are just trying to be silly. You should use smiley faces like Dust, so people don't think you are really advocating horoscopes.

I do see your point though, that some people believe what they read about themselve in horoscopes and believe it to be true just like the results of personality test. The problem I think you are trying to point out is yes the results seem to ring true, but when you read the other definitions or someone else horoscope, they also seem to describe aspects of your personality.

And I be clearing you are probably wondering how people got along a few hundreds years ago before personaliies where put to a test and defined. -I can't answer that. :) :) :) :)

T said...

Hmmmm I see a worm in the water wiggling just above me. I see it. I see it. Dangle. Dangle. Dip. It's there just waiting. I see the worm above me. Dangle. Bob. How did it get there? I think it had to be put there. Maybe it traveled far from what the humans call a forrest or was that a clearing? Oh well, I see the worm in the water. Dangle. Dangle!


Anonymous said...

ode to a bobber