Friday, April 15, 2005

People aren't puppets

As a recovering control freak I can honestly say that this week I found myself in an interesting situation. I watch children for a living (yes I'm a "baby-sitter".) So in the midst of listening to them play I hear the ever so clasic "Okay then you say...'I'm a super hero and I'm here to save the day'" followed by the second child with "I'm a super hero and I'm here to save the day." They go back and forth with one directing the others words verbatim for a while and the other just following suit as if it's totally fun to repeat this other person for 5 minutes, sometimes more! What it made me think of was the night before when my husband and I were in a "discussion." While discussing something that I have strong feelings about I found myself wishing I could say "Okay then you say...." and even more so I found myself wishing he was the nice quiet child that would then repeat back to me what I wanted to hear come out of his mouth! But People aren't puppets and two days later the (as he likes to put it) "ongoing discussion" is still basically the exactly where it was when we began that night. The truth is I don't want a puppet, I like my husband's thoughts and opinions, even when I disagree with him. One of the things that pulled me into this web of love I have for him is his mind. He has an incredible mind. And while I don't always agree I find it refreshing to know that we can disagree, even on things I can be passionate about, and I still love him and his mind and how it works. So while I, as most recovering control freaks do, feel I'm right and he's wrong (sorry babe) I am glad that people aren't puppets. Although, babe--if you're reading this--and you WANT to be a puppet regarding this matter, just "say the words!"


Dash said...

I tried to think of some sort of PG-rated way of suggesting that I like being "puppet-ed", but couldn't find one to post here. I'd stil rather have "discussions' with you than anyone else on the planet.


GoldenSunrise said...

My husband made a comment in Sunday School about a month ago that I really didn't agree with. It was just a matter of semantics, but someone else brought up what I was thinking so that got me off the hook. I told him when we got home and I think he was glad that I had an independent thought.

windarkwingod said...

fundi.... are you allowed to end your comments with glossalalia?