Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day 111

So, I'm 1/3 of the way through my "Give God a Year" goal.  When I started this goal, I wasn't sure what it would mean for me exactly.  I am still not 100% sure.  But I guess right now it is more of a focus than anything else.  Over the past month or so I have lost focus on my eating right and I've started to slowly gain back weight (just a pound so far) but it's still the wrong direction.  So, I'm shifting my focus on eating right again.

Within myself, I do not have what it takes to choose the proper nutrition and to maintain a healthier lifestyle.  I have to rely on God for strength with this.  Yet, the one constant theme I see reoccurring this year, so far is me taking ownership of things that I've "given to God".

The goals I set for myself 111 days ago were as follows:  pray every day-giving thanks first.  Keep a food journal (because I'm trying to be healthier/lose weight) everyday, Blog everyday,  and stay with the wellness program I started.

I don't know if the "everyday" goal for the food journal and the blog were reasonable.  But by setting the everyday goal, I try to at least accomplish it once a week.  If I don't accomplish it, than I'm still reminded that I had a goal.

Having a goal is important.  I think I'm praying and reading my Bible more consistently because of my goals. It also helps that I'm reading  survey of the Bible right now, not trying to read too much at one time.  Just a chapter or so a day.

Today I was reading in Numbers. When the group of men scouted out the land and came back and Caleb was the only one to say "we can do this" the other 10 said "there are giants there, we look like grasshoppers compared to them".  I guess right now, I am realizing that I have some things in my life that I see as giants and I needed to be reminded that with God I can conquer them, but I have to be willing to face them, not run away.

Yes, I need to remember that with God all things are possible.  Why is that so tough?  I hope and pray that God will help me refocus on Him and less on my own strength and abilities.

These are my random, scattered, hope some of it makes sense thoughts for the day.

1 comment:

shakedust said...

It's difficult to keep up with long-term goals. Kudos for getting this far (whether or not it's been a perfect path forward).