Saturday, April 19, 2014

Day 10

If I was worried about Chandler reading my blogs, I wouldn't post this.  But he doesn't  :) so here's today's blog.

We don't typically do Easter baskets.  This year, we've moved Chandler away from family and friends and he's adjusting ok, but he's got his moments.  Holidays are the hardest for him.  So - we decided we're going to surprise him with the ultimate Easter basket.  :)

We bought him a sports duffle bag.  Put a new football, boxing gloves and hand wraps for his punching bag, and then layered bubble wrap on top of them.  Put 6 bags of green Easter Egg grass on top of that and then put candy on top of that, including some football Easter Eggs filled with Chocolate eggs.  The bag will be downstairs for him tomorrow with an Easter Bunny holding a stuffed basketball on top of it.

He's actually asked for a football lately and he's tossing around the idea of playing/hanging out with friends more who do football and basketball.  He can't use his punching bag that we got at the Thrift Store because he never got the punching gloves.   So - we're feeling like this is a pretty cool gift if we do say so ourselves! :)

It was a lot of fun shopping and planning for this too.  :)


Dash said...

Go Parents!!! kicking it in and maxing it out. Chan even bought an Easter pie for the family later at the store ... apparently we made an impression.

shakedust said...

Sounds like a spectacular series of gifts! I hope he gets use out of all of that equipment.