Thursday, October 20, 2005

Observant, not so much

I use to get onto N when she was little, she would be drawing a picture of a person and one eye would be round and one would be more oval. She would color the body in two different shades down the middle. While I thought it was a cool visual effect, she did this every time she drew a person. I would get frustrated. PEOPLE are 1 color. People have eyes that are the same shape! So she in the first grade started drawing more "uniform" people. She did so after saying that I was wrong and that she was 2 different colors! I laughed and told her that was crazy, she was not.

So last year I was looking at her pictures and I finally (9 years late) figured out why her eyes have always bothered me. She's beautiful, but they aren't my eyes or dashes eyes.... What is it about her eyes? They are two different shapes! It's subtle enough I had never figured it out, but she said "YES I always have, and my hands are two different shades too." To which I said, no way, but sure enough, I could see what she was talking about. It's more noticeable in the summer time, when she is darker on one hand then the other. Again, it's subtle, but it's there. Talk about different. It doesn't stop there, she has an over bite on one side of her jaw and an under bite on the other! We just found this out this year too!


Anonymous said...

I'm weird. I accept that. It's kinda neat that it took my mom a while to find out that truly I am two different colors. I have fun with this at school. I enjoy it a lot. I have lots of fun knowing these things and making other kids go "wow."

T said...

I think it takes a truly amazing kid to be able to have fun with this. She even helped me write the blog when I told her what I wanted to share! She's way cool. You go girl!

Anonymous said...

Vote on my behalf.

I want to blog. Oh very bad. Tell my mom to let me blog!!!!!!!!!


T said...

Okay, it's open for discussion, should Nick get her own blog? Let the voting begin!

Dash said...

hmmmmmmm ......

Nick and I have had this discussion before. When I told her that I would have "parents privledge" to read anything she wroteon it, the said that it wouldn't bother her. I told her that by the time I was really worried about what she was writing, she wouldn't want me to read it.

Does she realize that any words she mispells will be added to her "virtual spelling list"?

T said...

Okay, I still want to hear people's thoughts. But yes, Nick started a blog tonight. How could I refuse her any longer? She said she lays awake at night thinking up blog ideas! She is very excited and wants me to let everyone know that her blogsite is We'll probably start referring to her as LA in blog land!

Yes, there are restictions, she won't be reading blogs that I haven't already read and approved. All her comments are sent to my email. Will she blog about us? She asked if she could, I said yes. She said "that makes sense, since you blog about me!" "Cool!" So even though dash is not sure how he feels about having a child old enough to blog (notice that chan is coming up with ideas to blog on my site more in the future!) I think this is a great opportunity for her to get more of her voice out there! Check out her site when you have a chance!

GoldenSunrise said...

How exciting that N has a blog site! I will definately visit it.