We have started a curriculum for Home Group. It's called "Friendship First." As homework, we are to review chap 1 between now and next home group (first of Oct.) I'm an over zealous homework person. I loved it in school, I love it now! I almost always work ahead---when I have time.
So, 2 days after homegroup, I am reviewing chap. 1 already. Here's where it gets interesting for those of you tuning out about now....or thinking "give me a test over homework Any day!"
In the section "Friendship vs. Friendliness" it says:
"You see, healthy friendships take time. They develop through a process, but they're rarely as orderly and predictable.....Good friendships may include many starts and stops and repeated trips through the typical stages of the process."
I have had conversations with some of my closer friends on this topic lately. Before I ever knew what we were going to teach on in home group. I realized tonight while reviewing this chapter that what I have found myself doing lately is exactly what they describe. I start and stop and regroup with people I am developing relationships with. Did I do this with everyone in my life that I am close too? Some more so then others, honestly. I have to say that the friendships I value the most are the ones I have taken the time to perservere with. A true friend is one that says, I know you are that way and it's okay! Or, yeah, I know...so? Someone who before you say your response, knows what you'll say because they know you that well, and they still love you!
True friendship is love. It's extending ourselves beyond what is required to a new level. I have been able to do this deep for many years, more recently I've learned to do it wider and now I'm learning to take the wider ones and go deeper and still build wider ones beyond. It is a process. Sometimes I am better then others. Sometimes, I lose my cool. But God still loves me and when he is the center of what I am doing, He is the center of my relationships and He somehow manages to find a way to show others how over overlook my imperfections, or in some cases--embrace them!
I know that any given day of the week any year in the past 32 I've been ministered to by friends far more then any other area of my life. I pray that I can be that kind of friend to others and I am realizing now the true ministry that can be. I mean how often do we meet people who will invest in us? If we are to go out to "reach, teach, and keep for Jesus" then somehow we must be reaching, teaching, and keeping. The key to any good ministry is relationships. I hope and pray that as God guides us through this study I will learn to be a better friend and to remember what He's called me to as His servant.
I agree with your statement regarding that the key to any good ministry is relationships. Jesus was friends with all sorts of people and showed them love.
It is reassuring to know that good friendships have many starts and stops. I always seem to want to rush friendships when actually they need time.
I know what you mean about rushing friendships. I can be that way. I am learning that each person in my life that I am friends with has a different level of need and type of need for my friendship and I can finally be comfortable with that. It's taken me a lot of time. Friends have never come easy for me. Like most things in life! I earn them the hard way!
Ditto! Ditto! Ditto! :-)
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