The Betraying Friend
I am one of the twelve apostles, who walked with Jesus. My portrayal of a friend throughout the years has made people trust me. In the beginning I was good, I showed love to others, spreading the gospel and the good news. What happened to me? Where did I go wrong? The times were tough; my life was not a picnic; I was looking for an easy way out. To serve this man (the one they called Christ) meant giving all that I had. I was tired of being ridiculed and even beaten for proclaiming Jesus' name.
I was living from day to day, no place to call my own. Confronted with desires to have the life others lived, I went to the chief priest and asked, "What would you give me, to bring Jesus to you?" (Matthew 26:14-16). When I realized that these men would give me thirty pieces of silver for Jesus, I forgot about friendship and loyalty. Who was He anyway? He was just another man. I took the money and kissing him, I ran (Luke 22:47-48).
My choice resulted in the death of two men; Jesus Christ, who rose again and lives yesterday, today, and forever within the hearts of men, and myself. I could not take the guilt of killing this innocent man, I returned the money and then I hanged myself in shame (Matthew 27:5).
Holy Bible. King James Version. Philadelphia: The National Bible Presss , 1978.
Okay, so it's a little cheesy, it was high school. BTW, my teacher wasn't a Christian so I took it upon myself to write as many "Christian centered" things as I could! Did anyone else try to Evangelize like that?
Nice cheese! Daring concept to go into the mind of a Bible-villain...
I did something similar to my English teacher when I was a junior in high school.
She was extremely liberal and extremely slutty like. She would use sexual inuendus with the guy students in class. She taught Drama also and my boyfriend at the time said that she had kissed him in a class demonstrating how to kiss. So you can see that I really didn't care for her! I don't see how she wasn't fired or had complaints against her. I wrote papers on family values and moral living. Two other christian students wrote about faith also.
Dash, did you know of Mrs. Kendra Chappell at W.H.S.?
nope ... but she sounds like a real piece of work!
Not my proudest moment ... but I once "borrowed" a section from one of my dad's seminary papers on Moses for my final project in a literature of the bible class in H.S.
I was really mad - not that I worked very hard on it - because I got a "B" when all the popsicle models of Noah's Ark and paper meche dioramas of eden were getting "A"s.
golden, I wouldn't have liked her either! I had a teacher JUST like that in college. She was our English teacher, flirted with the guys and bragged about the fact that her husband lived in a different city and she stayed in hotels while teaching through the week. Wonder how many guys she tutored that year? It appeared to be a lot. None seemed to mind too much either. YUK.
dash, what did your dad get as a grade? Maybed you took the wrong paper!
The paper was graded as an A in a graduate level hermenutics class!!! it still burns me.
I was always tempted to screw my grade and accuse the teacher of trying to punish anyone in the class that could use their brain and the Bible at the same time.
He probably could'nt even spell exegesis
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