Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Movie Time

We went to the drive in theater with our kids, gold-dust, and BB's family. I broke a stead fast rule and let the kids go to PG13 movies. I felt that since we had the van they could lay down in or play UNO that it would be okay. Plus I was just really wanting to get out and have fun as a family and thought the atmosphere/experience of the drive in would out weigh the ratings. N was happy at the end that she stayed awake for both War of the Worlds and Batman. She also spent the last 1/2 hour or so of War of the Worlds in the van. I thought it was very intense, so I probably should have stuck to our rule, but too little too late.

C-man slept through the last part of the first movie and all of Batman (the one he really wanted to see.) But he still had fun going to the drive in with us. He's disappointed that N has reached a point of being able to handle older things while he's not arrived yet. No scary dreams have occured because of the movie so he's probably closer then he thinks.

Regarding the movies. If they hadn't been drive-in I wouldn't have gone to see them, but I'm glad I went, they were done well. I really enjoyed my time and I intend to go back to the drive-in for future shows. Not Mr. and Mrs. Smith, since I've seen it, but I'll keep an eye on it, good movies, great price, fun atmosphere (anything outside can't be bad.)

Thanks to Forrest for the idea, BB+3 and gold-dust for joining us. It was a lot of fun to get out with good friends and kick back for a while.


Jadee said...

Hmmm...I like that, Gold-Dust, it sounds really cool!

Let me see, maybe we could add "Dirty-Dashboard" even though technically my car has a "dusty dashboard"...LOL!

BTW, did you notice you both have cars/driving in common???? =D

Dashboard Drummer driving down a Dirt Road! Oh my, I must have had too much caffeine in this rainy weather, thanks to Dennis!

shakedust said...

I enjoyed the movies too. Golden has pointed out that this is something she will want to do again some future Friday night. She is even willing to break the 10:00-10:30 curfew she has set for herself. That is significant.

f o r r e s t said...

I am sorry that we could not join you guys. Maybe next time. The movies are fun, but it is alway more fun sitting around with friends and you can be loud and have fun at a drive-in.

roamingwriter said...

Wish we were there - though we saw Batman before we left and Dar saw W of the W too. Movies here are in Spanish unless we take a $20 train ride to Barcelona and pay another $20 for an English movie. Have to think twice about that one. How was Mr. & Mrs. Smith? I wanted to see that one but didn't make it. Can't believe Golden is breaking curfew - this must be good!

T said...

Smith was good. I enjoyed it, even though I'm not a big Brad or Ang fan. I liked how it had so much comedy with action. Especially since it was married humor. Mr. T and I give it 2 thumbs up!

I can't believe Gold is considering breaking curfew! Rebel!

Forrest, hope you guys can make it next time. Thanks again for the idea. We missed you guys.

jadee....lay off the caffeine! LOL No, I never thought about Mr. T and I being car/road related before.

I am pretty sure I am not the first to think of Gold-Dust....anyone else want to take credit?

GoldenSunrise said...

I like to live on the wild side every now and then. : ) It is worth staying up until 2 am for both movies for the price and the fun with friends! As long as I can sleep in the next day!

I loved Batman! I never really knew his origin and background.