Monday, June 06, 2005

Writing drill

Remember when you were given a topic and had to come up with a paragraph/story in a limited time with that topic? Well, I was usually not to bad at this, but it's been years since I've had to do it. I believe it was something we did for typing class. We had to get the content in, but try to still type things correctly. I have learned down through the years to type reasonably well in a decent time, but I also have the back space/delete keys worked into my routine! I think when timed I can do about 50 wpm without errors. In high school that wasn't considered good, but in job performance tests, its a decent rating for most companies, so I guess I beat some of the people out there. Anyway, It was fun trying to come up with something to talk about that's quick. I'll do a long boring blog some other time!

Until then...

I know you can't wait!


shakedust said...

I actually got a data entry job when I tested at a 45 WPM typing ability. That was me on a good day and I was still was slower than your 50 WPM.

I learned in that job that I am not a good employee to do repetitive tasks. Worst job I ever had.

GoldenSunrise said...

In college, you could test out of Typing class by typing 35 wpm on a timed test! That was an easy credit and I didn't have to go to class.

Jadee said...

In college, I was chosen/encouraged to be an Office Administration major due to my typing skills. And yes, I had learned on an old fashioned typewriter with the little fingers that flew forward! It was so much fun when my mother got the "writer ball" typewriter...LOL!

Now I am so used to working on a PC, that when I tested at temp agencies, I only knew the right-click shortcuts for the tasks...and didn't score too well, because they test you on the toolbar functions.

Oh well...At least I am learning the abbreviations for text messaging! Now that's the kind of shorthand I should have had in college!! =D