Thursday, June 30, 2005

My hero

Today, I went out to the van, started and began to pull out of my drive, when I noticed I was leaving tire marks on the drive. HUM. That plus the fact that it wasn't steering well gave me a pretty good idea that I had a flat tire. Something that I should have noticed before starting the vehicle, but I get into a habit of not checking these things.

Mr. T had already left for work a few minutes before this. I called him. Do I try to change this tire by myself? I've never done that before OR do I call road side assistance? FYI, I started changing a tire on my old van once and a neighbor in Indiana pulled into my drive and in the pouring rain, got out of his vehicle and changed it for me! So I'm willing, I just have been lucky enough to have someone around to avoid doing it so far! Anyway, back to my story.

Mr. T was on his way to work already on 635. He said, "I'll be there in a few minutes." I tried to talk him out of coming home. I can call for assistance. He said, "No, you shouldn't have to wait that long." And a few minutes later, he pulled into the drive, helped me figure out how to lower the spare from underneath the van and proceed with the changing of the tires. In his nice work clothes (not a polo...but a white button up shirt). What a guy. He was late for work, and came back to help when he could have pawned me off on road side assistance. I was only 1/2 hour late. He was later than that I'm sure, but he was kind enough not to complain. That's my guy!


Dash said...

I'm not quite ready for a cape and spandex yet. T is taking the van to get the tires fixed and insisted on putting the old tire in the back so I wouldn't mess up my nice shirt - which is more of a creamy grey than white.

Besides, those super boots would hurt my feet.

T said...

You're too funny. I think we could come up with an outfit for you that could incorporate Polo shirts and comfy shorts! No shoes of course! Creamy grey, really? I'll have to take another look when you get home....If I can catch you before you change into POLO guy!

shakedust said...

The cape and spandex is wrong on more levels than the button-up. :)

I am not sure what I'll do the first time Mrs Dust gets a flat. I guess it will depend on how possible it is for me to get to her. I can just imagine me walking her through the technical steps involved.

"Line up the jack thingy with the groove thingy on the bottom of your car, then twist the dealy-bopper on the end of the jack until it lifts the car."

Dash said...

wait! - there's a groove thingy????

No seriously. I had to intentionally stop myself from going into commander chad mode this morning - apparently it was a good idea.

Commander: "Alright, what's the first thing you should do if this happens on the road? ....

Victim: Get the jack out?

Trainer: No, the first step is ALWAYS Safety. Be sure that working on the tire isn't going to put you in the path of oncoming traffic.

If so, you will need to take steps to ensure your safety, and that of your fellow drivers....."

Jadee said... sweet! My Match profile says, "Supermom looking for her SuperMan"!

Still looking, btw! ;-)

In the meantime, don't let your boys tie a blanket around their neck, or they will be jumping off the bunk beds! =D

GoldenSunrise said...

This would be an act of service given to you by Dash. : )

Afterwards, you could give him a gift of appreciation and he could give you a hug. : )

windarkwingod said...

One time I was hauling 500 lbs of liquid oxygen across I-65 out of Springfield. My right rear dual axles spun off into a field at 73mph. I scraped to a halt with hunched shoulders expecting the LiqOx to puree me to oleo. Little old lady stopped and helped by jacking up the truck and putting the spare on. She drew a smiley face in the asphalt before she vanished. I believe it was an angel performing the gift of service.

roamingwriter said...

So if I get a flat, do I wait for an angel or a super hero?