Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Swiss Steak

Trying something new tonight. I am going to attempt to cook a meal at home for the first time in weeks. I am trying a recipe. I never use recipes. It's not that I can't cook. I am actually pretty good at it. A natural, some may say, I don't burn things, I know how to finishish all the items at the same time, and things I choose to put together get rave results from the family! I just don't like to cook. Call me weird, but it's not fun to me. I would much rather be doing something else...anything else than cook.

But I am also a picky eater, so when I cook, it's with little to no seasoning. I am on diet and tired of the same ole thing. KFC is great, but not in the mass quantities I've consumed lately! So, I don't fear the steak not being cooked properly, I fear that I may not be grown up enough yet to like it...guess we'll see. I've started liking a lot of things I would have never eaten before. BTW---sea food is out of the question, and chineese I'm allergic too (thank goodness!) So I won't have to venture very far from the pallette of foods I like. I think I'm basically going to just try some new seasonings to the old stuff. We'll see!


Jadee said...

Sounds yummy! What time shall I be there? Oh wait, you guys eat earlier than we do...Maybe leftovers? =D

T said...

I liked it! Not only I, but little me and mini me did too! (I guess I let Mr. T speak for himself.) But we did enjoy it and the kids are looking forward to having it again. Mini me said that she doesn't like peppers, but did like them with the steak. I agreed.

GoldenSunrise said...

Congrats to you on cooking an excellent meal. I also don't like to cook. I tend to do very quick meals or frozen foods. Mr. Sunrise and I don't care for Chinese or seafood either. That's cool that we have that in common. The problem then is finding a variety of things to eat. We have fajitas, pizza, and sloppy joes almost every week.

Dash said...

It was very good - and I had to have it as warmed up leftovers. In case anyone is counting - the sweet and cour chicken was great too. I was happy to find some unused chopsticks in the siverwear drawe.

roamingwriter said...

I need to start using recipes. All my standard things are used up, neither of us wants to eat them. I too can cook, and do cook, but it isn't something I necessarily enjoy. It helps if it's food I'm in the mood for or trying something exciting and new, but more often than not it's simply time to eat and something has to happen.