Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Moment of insanity

So, Mr. T is ready to go to bed, it's early and we're chatting and talking about being tired. In a moment of insanity---I blurt out, "why don't you go to the 12:01 showing of star wars." His eyes light up like a happy 3 yr old getting to eat all the candy in his stocking at Christmas at once. He steps lightly into this conversation so not to spook me into sanity. "No, I couldn't, it would be to late. I can't get tickets now. I shouldn't." and so forth. I falling into the trap he's laid for a challenge go to prove that I can get him tickets and Mr. Dust too (we know he's contemplating life at midnight anyway--so he'll probably be up for it!) Like lightening---mr. T is on the phone to Mr. Dust who is laughing and saying "let me call you back." Call back--"If you can get the tickets I'll go." ---big shocker. We are talking an epoch film. So why my moment of insanity?

I guess it goes back to knowing how much Mr. T likes his stuff. He loves the whole "when i was a kid" thing. The movies are a part of him and even though I'm not a fan, I can find it fun to watch my husband who isn't usually a night person run out the door to go to a movie that he's waited 10yrs. for. He gets to have his moment of "wow" and this memory. I get to let him live a little and well, my daughter doesn't have to see him run off at a normal hour of the night to watch the movie she wants to see but can't (pg 13). I guess the wife and mom in me saw a win win here.

I will probably not rest well until Mr. T has watched his movie, can get to work, stay awake, make it home, be awake for K's bday, and pack for our weekend camping trip. I worry too much. But I can't let my worries and possible what if's run my life. So I'll have to take his word that he can do it all and trust him. After all, it was my moment of insanity that suggested he go out past his bed time! ***note the light saber green color of font in tribute to the movie!***


Jadee said...

Another win-win here is that you get to catch up with your friend who has been out of pocket all week! =D BTW, the green is really COOL!

GoldenSunrise said...

I too am worried today about how Mr. Dust is going to stay awake during work. Once he gets his coffee, he will probably be fine. He was able to get out of the door on time, I might add. I can't believe that all this went on while I was sleeping. I did wake up to him coming home and we talked a little about the movie.

windarkwingod said...

I took Roamer to the 12:30. She use to have a light-saber as a kid, and it was a fun date and a chance to be crazy. We got to bed at 3:30am.... zzzzzkzkylzlkjz