As we come to a close with this quarters Sunday School lessons on Couples in the Bible, Mr. T had people reflect on what they had learned from different couples.
I know that this has been a labor of love for Mr. T. We thought we had something picked out that we could "copy/paste" into a lesson format basically and it didn't work that way. I've watched him each week prepare lesson after lesson and ask the question --"What is there to learn from these people?" With the help of the Bible, Commentaries, our book and God (not in order of importance!) He created these lessons. I know there was some speculation to the motivations of the couples, because there isn't a lot in the Bible on the "why's and how's" of their stories, but each week I learned something new, about them and about myself.
It was a great way to take inventory as a couple and say, are we doing the things we're supose to be doing. Are we being the parents we're called to be? Are we setting the examples for others to follow. I know this is an area I've personally struggled in, why can't I just be me, who has the right to judge my choices? But the Bible addresses this in Luke 6.
A Tree and Its Fruit
43"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. 44Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. 45The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.
I want to bear good fruit. I can't do that if I am harboring things that aren't mine to harbor. I can't do that if I'm always out to prove something. I can't do that if I am setting examples that contradict God's purpose and plan for my life. I don't want to just live on this earth for a the time God allows and then enter heaven with my "get out of hell" card. I want to make a difference. I want to influence others to be better, stronger Christians and share Christ with non believers.
Mr. T asked how other godly couples influence our lives....I can name so many who have impacted my life and I want to do the same for others. I believe that's what it's all about, and even though it's always been my hearts desire, I have been challenged through these lessons that even I can do this. The patriarchs of the Bible messed up, they were human, ...but when God wanted to use them to make a difference none of that mattered. Praise God for that and I hope he can make a difference through me somehow in my corner of the world.
Thanks for that reminder to not harbor what is not ours to harbor, but to work on our own growth. Occasionally, I hear a comment about my attending a "seeker-oriented" church. I don't understand why that is an issue. Aren't we all supposed to be "seeking" after Christ? Shouldn't we always be striving to be more like Him? To me, "seeking" is not a one-time step. It is an active step; a continuous process. Once we take on the attitude that "we have arrived", then we become stagnant in our growth, and will not have the influence to bring others to Christ. I believe we should remain "seeker-oriented" in our daily lives so we can find and store up good things (growth) in our hearts. Then the good things (fruit) WILL pour out to those around us, thus helping (influence) them in their "seeking" process!
I too learned a lot from the couples. It struck me as I read about Abraham recently and from class that he wasn't that great a guy. Some real goofy things he did. So how nice is God to pick out someone I can see faults in and do so much through him. It says all nations will be blessed because of Abraham -- a foretelling of Christ. Wow! So glad God isn't me - I'd have been like, "Not him!"
A missionary couple really came a long side of us when we were having a really hard time in Belgium and their influence has, I hope, changed me. Sadly, she died of cancer, but their family has had a big influence on us -- we've recognized the value of reaching out to others and the importance of hospitality.
T is right about having to struggle with the couples in our outline to find a topic for discussion (and hopefully some small bit of inspiration). I wanted to / agreed to do a "couples" class because it would be something that the two of us could work on together. Even though it was a bit of work - it's probably prompted more conversations about our own lives together than any other Sunday School Class, Sermon, or Devotional ever has.
- Mr. T.
Sorry I missed out on the couples in the Bible. It is comforting to know that I don't have to be perfect for God to use me. Many of the people in the Bible were flawed yet God did wonders through them. When Mr. Sunrise spent a lot of time preparing certain lessons, I remember those lessons being the ones that a lot of people benefitted from.
Do you think any of those couples in the bible used the "Couples Devotional Torah." It would probably have made a big diffenernce in their relationship.
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