Monday, April 18, 2005

Roger That

So I'm on the phone with my dad the other day. I am feeling good and it's been a while since we've talked, so I begin my traditional download! In the process of sharing with him about blogging, I had to explain what a blog was. Have you ever tried to do this to someone who has truly never turned a computer on? He's an intelligent person so he picks up on stuff quickly and even though he doesn't use computers he's heard enough about them to understand how the internet works. So I found it very interesting when he said, "So it's kind of like CB'ing." I had to think about this. Some of you may be to young to know what a CB is, others may not have been in the culture that was conducive to such an invention. It was in fact the first "cell phone." Away for people to communicate through radio waves while in their vehicle, or away from their home (Truck Drivers used them more than anyone else, probably still do for that matter.) Anyway, you would have a handle, which would be your "blog name" and you would get on the radio waves and say something to the effect of "breaker breaker one nine this is Dadio anyone out there?" and if there was you might get a response, like "hey dadio this is little bear" and then you would proceed to talk in code....smokey was a police officer (I remember that much.) Sometimes they would talk about where they were driving to, road conditions, or what they ate for dinner, other times it was fun and quippy stories made up or real. So as a flood of memories hit me with dad's simple little comment. I realized yes, it was indeed a lot like CB banter! That being said, this is Dirt Road---Over and Out.


roamingwriter said...

Hey! That's hilarious. There is a certain similarity to the CB thing. Good post!

GoldenSunrise said...

I think it is fun using our code names rather than our real names. Should I call you Mrs. Dashboard Drummer, t, Mrs. Dirt Road, or Mrs. Fundi Muggle. (I am assuming it is a no on the last one)

Jadee said...

Guess it's a good thing we aren't still on the CB days....this way we can chat or post at the same time! We don't have to wait to hear "over" before we can comment...LOL! Considering this factor, we just may put the cell phones into extinction!

T said...

Well Golden, I can honestly say that the last one is definately not preferred. Remember the "discussion" mentioned in "People aren't puppets." Guess what that was about! However, I could have fun with any of the others. (I know you just love it when people have different "names" than their web addresses and so forth! I just felt like I would prefer T to "Dirt" so I kept it as my "name" LOL (Is it okay to cross the line and put "chat" lingo in a blog? Or is that like mixing coke with pepsi?)